Chapter 9

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(A/N: I'm gonna make this quick but thank you guys so much for 6k reads- I still can't believe I made it this far- so thank you)

(Shuichi's POV)

As Prince Kokichi had recently had his 19th birthday, it had come time for him to pick a bride, even if he wouldn't be ruling the actual kingdom for awhile. The kingdom, like many others had decided to achieve this by holding a ball were every woman in the kingdom was invited, and of course other princesses from the fellow countries. Of course attendance to this wasn't mandatory as the prince appeared to have some sort of moral code and would only choose someone who wanted to be there.

I, as his personal maid was of course invited, although I would be requested to help prepare the actual ballroom. I didn't want to go at first, but Kaede encouraged me. I'm not sure why, but I took her advice anyway, deciding to listen to her. Afterall, she is the reason I even work here.

Tonight was the night. The entire day I had been helping Ms. Kirumi and the other maids clean the hall and prepare. Although I was let off alittle early to help prince Kokichi get ready.

I scurried down the hall, fixing my long blue wig as I went. I could hear the excited chatting between the younger maids. They were all beautiful women while I wasn't even a woman at all. It's not like I want to be a woman, infact I am quite comfortable with what I have but I still can't help but be jealous. They don't have to worry about being judged for being with a man, meanwhile I'll probably end up being forced to marry a woman. I'm sure she'll be nice at least.

As I arrived at Prince Kokichi's door, I paused. I hope he makes a good choice. I quietly knocked, receiving a call to enter. I entered his room hastily, shutting and locking the doors behind me. I saw Kokichi, sat on his bed, still wearing his pyjamas. I smiled slightly. I bowed "good afternoon Ouma-kun." I stood up straight again. "Good morning Shumai~!" He grinned and stood up, pulling me into a hug. I hadn't expected that but I returned the hug with a smile. Prince Kokichi was definitely a real hugger.

"I am here to assist you in picking an outfit sir; as instructed by Ms Kirumi." I smiled. "Mum really thinks I can't get changed by myself...." he mumbled before letting go of me. I stood up and dusted myself off. "Well~ sorry to disappoint you but I can get changed by myself!" He declared before trudging over to his closet. I sighed and followed, grabbing a white suit with a checkered tie for him. "Thanks Shumai!" I just did my job- anyway. Kokichi started to get changed. Wow, he was so pretty- I mean no! It's rude to look but I couldn't help myself.

"Wow Shumai. I must be soooo hot if you're staring!" Oh shit he saw me! I nervously glanced away "I-I wasn't looking I promise!" Liar. Kokichi grinned. "Don't worry Shumai I won't tell anyone!" He tilted his head alittle before he went back to changing. Kokichi seemed to be having alittle trouble with his tie so I went over to assist him. I started to tie his tie, but as I was tightening, I felt his slender hands grab my top. "H-huh-" I was cut off by the small prince pulling me into a kiss

(Warning: slightly spicy😼😼😼)

But I didn't pull away, instead I started to kiss back. His hands started to move down my sides as I reached up and tangled my fingers in his hair. Kokichi reached down and squeezed my thighs, causing me to let it a quiet moan. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. He rubbed his warm tongue up against mine while his hands moved to rest on my lower back. I gripped his hair softly as he started to back me up against the wall. Kokichi moved his hands to my inner thighs and started to trail up, getting closer and closer to my underwear and closer to uncovering my secret. But before he could reach, there was a knock on the door. I pulled away, panting softly.

"Is Prince Kokichi ready yet?" Ms. Kirumi spoke through the door. I cleared my throat alittle. "He's getting changed now Ma'am, he should be ready soon!" I replied, managing to hide my embarrassment. "Alright. Get him to hurry though." She replied before I heard her walk away. I glanced over at Kokichi, who was blushing just as much as me.

"You should finish getting ready..." I mumbled before finishing his tie. Kokichi groaned by nodded, putting on his jacket. I walked over to his desk and picked up his hair brush and motioned for him to sit down. I grabbed a hair tie, which had been tied around the hair brush base. Kokichi sat down on the chair and I brushed most his hair back, tying it in a little man bun. I smiled. "Done Ouma-kun. I suggest you come down soon, I'll be getting ready with Miss Kaede if you need me." I turned around and quietly left the room. As soon as I closed the door around me I started to sprint towards Kaede's room.

The boy in the maid dress /Oumasai/ (maybe discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now