Chapter 3

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                                                                    (Kaede's pov)

"Ugh, where is it!" I groaned, whisper shouting to myself as I looked through all my many dresses that I seemed to hoard, wondering why I had never gotten rid of any. After what felt like a decade, I found the dress was looking for. It was simple but beautiful, having a simple colour palette of light blue and white. The dress had a collar, a bow on the front, frills lined out to make a V shape where a different material was used. The rest of the dress was a baby blue colour. It had tight sleeves with white frills at the end and the skirt was ankle height and large, imitating the shape of a cupcake top with frills at the bottom. The dress was elegant, quite obviously belonging to a noble like myself. I smiled, laying the dress on the end of my bed that Saihara still slept comfortably on. I then proceeded to pull out a pair of knee length white socks and a pair of black flats. The outfit alone would be convincing, but to really pull together I needed a wig. To my luck I still had my wig that a seamstress and wig maker had gifted me a few years back. The wig was a dark navy blue, each strand curled slightly. There was a single braid in the wig, the rest let out. The synthetic hair reached to about mid back on most people, it was obviously made with a lot of care and dedication, all of Shiroganes work was. She was simply an amazing seamstress. Enough with my eternal rambling, I needed to wake Saihara up after all. Despite his feminine voice and figure, he still wasnt lady enough. He needed to have better posture and more elegance, or the prince wouldnt buy into it. The trouble making prince was quite smart, despite his child-like behaviour. A sigh escaped my lips as I walked over to the sleeping boy and gently shook him. He sat up, rubbing his eyes gently before looking around. He seemed panicked before remembering where he was. "Hm, good morning Akamatsu Chan" He greeted me; his voice gentle. "Good morning Saihara Chan! You should go take a shower and then our training will begin!" I chirped, pulling him up and pointing him towards the door leading to my shower. The palace was the only place in the kingdom that had showers, in the village they had public showers and that was it, but people didnt seem to mind too much anyway. Saihara nodded, heading to the bathroom and locking the door behind him. I always left a spare towel in there; it was currently the one not on the floor, so I assumed hed end up using that one.

-Timeskip because I usually never use them uwu-                                            

Shuichi didnt take too long in the shower; it was only an hour before he was fully dressed and now standing straight with a stack of books on his head. "Akamatsu Chan, how is this supposed to train me?" He asked, struggling to keep the book on his head "Well, to be a lady you need elegance, at least to be convincing to the prince" The last part was mumbled under my breath. Saihara simply nodded, although that nearly made the books tumble off his head. He gulped, standing straight and began trying to walk around without the books falling. After basically half the day, he could finally do it flawlessly.

Saihara groaned, flopping on the bed. "Now time for manners!" I chirped, earning another groan from the, quite obviously, tired boy. He sat up, watching my every move as I sat down in front of him. The whole practice seemed to finish after what felt like eternity. It did quite boring for me too but oh well. Saihara was taking my bed so I pulled the spare mattress out from under my bed again. I laid down, drifting off to sleep. I couldnt help but be nervous for Saihara though, what if he didnt get chosen. Then what? I mean, Shirogane would probably take him in so I ended up batting away my worry and drifting off to sleep.

The boy in the maid dress /Oumasai/ (maybe discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now