Tips for Improving self- ESTEEM

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confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect.

1. It starts with a decision to be your own person. Don't live your life to please others, or to impress someone else.

2. Try to grasp the fact that we are different and have different goals and values. And don't be swayed by other people who critise your dreams.

3. Don't compare your path or journey to someone else's journey as we start from different places and face diffrenet challenges.

4. Be kind, understanding and patient with yourself. Accept that failures and mistakes are part of everyone's life. Also, choose to frame mistakes as learning opportunities.

5. You need to root for yourself, and seek to be your own bestfriend. Don't denigrate yourself- in public, or when you are alone.

6. Remind yourself a weakness can become strength, in time. It take patience, effort - but, eventually things change!

7. Make a list of what you are good at, and keep adding to that list. Also, note the strengths that others see, and comment on,as well.

8. Treat yourself with respect and praise the things that you do as well. Don't write them off as "nothing" , or as not being "no big deal".

9. Find ways to dissipate and chanel negative emotions. Don't allow them to dictate the way you start to see yourself.

10. Spend time with those who like you, and you can see your worth and value... And, ignore those who attack you, and would like to see you fail.

11. Choose to stand up for yourself,and value being more assertive. Also, decide to start to set and then enforce appropiate, healthy boundaries.

12. Admit your mistakes - then learn to laugh at yourself. It removes the pressure and the stress of "being perfect" ❤


Confront the dark parts of yourself,
and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. - August Wilson

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