The Window

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Summary- you have a conversation with Negan through his cell window.

I had stood there listening to Kimberly talk shit about people for a while, but now my ears were bleeding and I don't give a monkeys left nut about her opinions. It felt like I had stood here listening to her whiny, irritating voice for a full year and I was getting bored. She was just bitching about anything and everything: about how Rick wants us to work with the other communities, the Saviours, the bridge that collapsed, the food, oh and I can't forget that poor family that live next door to her.

I was starting to zone out when someone caught my eye, I could see that they were clearly amused by the whole thing because of the grin plastered across their bearded face. It was Negan. I could see his face through the bars on his cell window and he was listening in on the conversation. I reckon he hears a lot of shit, people just forget he's there, I sure did.

He noticed me looking at him so he winked as his grin turned into more of a cocky smirk. He put his finger to his lips, telling me not to say anything to Kimberly. I chuckled slightly and Kim started getting annoyed "What the hell is so funny!? I'm trying to tell you something important and all you can do is laugh! What a great friend you are!" She huffed and I looked at her, not really surprised by her dramatic outburst.

It was quite for a couple of seconds before she sighed loudly, "Are you coming back for lunch? I still need to tell you about that bitch Eva, you know, the one that lives opposite me." She looks at me expectantly, my eyes widen slightly as I pursed my lips. I never know what to say in these situations because I don't want to be too mean but then again, if I listen to another word that comes out of her mouth, I just might kill myself.

I glanced down at Negan to see that he was laughing at my reaction which made me smile, I looked back to Kim "No thanks, I do hope you get to tell me another day though." I tried to sound sincere but from the eye roll off Kim, I'd say it came out a bit sarcastic. What can I say? I'm just a sarcastic kinda gal.

Kimberly had stormed off up the road after telling me that I could be a 'real bitch' sometimes, which I quickly got over as the devil himself came back into view. He was, of course, laughing about the whole situation that had just played out right in front of him.

I walked over to the window and sat down on one of the steps, "Oh come on, it wasn't that funny." I smiled and he just grinned at me but I started speaking again before he replied.
"I bet you hear all the shit, huh?" I asked, looking down at him.
"You bet, sweetheart. Everyone just seems to forget I'm still here, they all stand there and express their fuckin' feelings. It's like watching tv," He paused and smiled, showing his pearly whites, "What's your name, darlin'?" He looked at me curiously. "Y/n. You?" I teased.
"You better be fuckin' joking." His face dropped for a second before the corners of his mouth twisted up into a small smirk. "It's nice to meet you too, Negan." I snorted and a cocky grin spread across his face again as he looked at me.

Some people walked past and I looked up just in time to see them giving me dirty looks for talking to the big bad wolf. "You new to Alexandria? I don't think I've seen you before and I'm pretty sure I'd fuckin' remember meeting you, darlin'." He smirked.
"Kind of, I used to live at Hilltop but they wanted me down here." I shrugged slightly.
"Why's that? You been causing trouble Y/n?" He asked and I scoffed lightly.

"No, I used to help Gregory run Hilltop when he was in charge. I'd help out when Simon came to collect 'half our shit'. The Moustache-Man would always insist on me staying in the room when he spoke to Gregory. He said that he liked my humour. I wouldn't have stayed so willingly if Gregory sucking up to Simon wasn't so funny. One day, Simon came and Gregory offered him scotch but he declined saying that it 'tastes like ashtrays and window cleaner', he said that he was a gin man. Over the next week or so, Gregory had his men out on a hunt for gin, but when Simon came again he said he was into tequila. You shoulda seen the look on Gregory's face!" I laughed, picturing how panicky ole Greg used to get around Simon.

I noticed that Negan's face had dropped slightly, the cocky grin being replaced with a sad and guilty smile and I looked down, "Sorry," I sighed "Gregory told me what happened, I didn't mean to bring him up." I smiled sympathetically, I felt bad for making him remember that he had strangled his own right-hand man. "Don't worry about it darlin', ain't your fuckin' fault. How come you moved here anyways? Seems you and that asshole Gregory were pretty close." He looked more confused now.

"Nahh he was annoying. I just liked to know what was going on, plus someone had to try and persuade him to do things for the people of Hilltop, instead of himself. I'm here because Rick wanted me here, I guess. They noticed that I was good on supply runs, him and Daryl wanted me here so that I could go on more important runs with them." I explained and Negan nodded, I cut him off just as he was about to say something. "But Rick also asked me if I didn't mind doing a certain job that's reopened." I hinted.
"Yeah? Well what fucking job is that then sweetheart?" He smirked and I think he already had a few good guesses.

"I was asked to guard your cell. Ya know, make sure you're not causing any trouble." I explained and he chuckled "Well, what'd you say?"
"I told him that I'd think about it." I smirked, knowing I'd already agreed to it.
"Have you fuckin' thought about it? 'cause let me just say this, I definitely wouldn't mind seeing your pretty face everyday doll." He winked and I chuckled.
"I don't think I'd mind seeing yours either Negan, besides, I'm getting kinda bored going on all these supply runs all the time. I need a change of scenery." I joked and he laughed, "You're tellin' me. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow then, darlin'?" He asked cockily and I nodded whilst getting up, "Till tomorrow, Negan." I turned around and started to walk down the road. I smiled once I heard him shout after me "Can't fucking wait!"

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