Bad dream

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Summary- Negan has to make sure you're okay after a nightmare.

I was the only person here because someone had just left and it was still quite early in the morning. I only had one of his big baggy tops on and as I was just about to get in the shower, the door to the women's shower room swung open, but I didn't turn around to see who it was. When I was just about to step into one of the showers, I felt arms wrap around my waist and I let out a small yelp. I felt my heart beat rise and I struggled in their arms as they turned me around to face them, but I sighed in relief as I was met by the face of Negan.

He looked disheveled and he was sweating. Worry was etched onto his face as his grip around my waist tightened. I cleared my throat "Negan? Uhh, you scared me half to death, what are you doing here? Are you ok?" I was concerned, mainly because he looked worried and I knew that when he shows he's worried it's normally about something really bad, but also because we were stood in the middle of the women's shower room, and he is most definitely not a woman.

He didn't answer me though, he just pulled me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head in his chest as he rested his head against my shoulder. We stayed like that for awhile before he sighed and pulled back. I raised my eyebrows at him questioningly, "Oh right, well, I just wanted to see how you were fuckin' doin' is all." He rubbed the back of his neck like he was embarrassed but he still looked abit concerned. I squinted my eyes at him slightly "Why? What happened?" I'm pretty sure it was more than just wanting to see if I was ok, you know, seen as he looks like he just woke up and all. "What? Can I not check up on my fuckin' girl?" He asked defensively and I gave him a look. "Fine. I had a bad dream about.." He trailed off and I couldn't hear him properly. "What happened in your dream, Negan?" I asked, I was curious as to what could've made him this uneasy.

"You died." He was still frowning slightly as he looked down at me and I smiled, "You came into the women's shower room, all disheveled, because I died in your dream?" I asked.
Negan's not really the type of person to show a lot of emotion, to show that he cares, not all the time anyways. So when he does, I normally find it pretty damn adorable. I also know that he doesn't have many fears, but losing me is definitely one of them, especially because of what happened to Lucille.

He nodded, still pouting slightly. "Well, I'm fine. I'm not dead, not undead either, perfectly alive. As you can see." I said quietly, smiling, before wrapping my arms around his neck again and leaning in to press my lips against his. He hummed in approval, deepening the kiss before pulling away after a couple minutes. It was silent for a moment and he was smiling, "What do you fucking mean disheveled, I look hot as fuck right now." He feigned offence but smirked as he said the last bit and I laughed, "Even if I agreed, others may say different, especially with you wandering the halls lookin' all vulnerable and shit." I was always worried about Negans safety, there were a lot of people that would kill him as soon as they got the chance. "You worried about me, darlin'?" He gave a cocky smile and I rolled my eyes playfully, "There were only a couple people in the corridors and I have Simon with me." He explained.

I glanced over his shoulder but Simon wasn't there so I raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled, "Dont worry sweetheart, I've not fuckin' lost it, not yet anyways. Simon said he'd keep guard so nobody comes in here and has a fuckin' heart attack." He grinned at me knowing that I thought he might've gone insane. I nodded and if on cue, Simon knocked twice before poking his head round the door "I've gotta bit of an angry mob going on out here, so it would really be appreciated if you two love birds would hurry the fuck up." He joked before shutting the door again and we both laughed.

"I guess you should go then, I'll meet you back at your room?" I asked and he pouted slightly, his brow creased "Nuh-uh, you're coming back to my room now." He grabbed my hand and went to walk towards the door "Negan I need a shower." I chuckled, he stopped and turned around "There's a shower in my room darlin'." He smirked and went to turn back around. "The last time I tried to have a shower in your room, I didn't even get to shower properly." I hinted at what had happened the last time he told me I could use his shower and he smirked suggestively at me "Exactly." He winked before gently tugging on my arm "Now c'mon before Simon fuckin' shouts at us again." He started walking towards the door this time, I just laughed and followed him out.

As we were in the corridor I remembered I only had his top on, luckily it reached just above my knees. He wrapped a protective arm around me anyways and then whenever anyone stared at my bare legs, he would pull me closer to him, glaring at them until they backed off.

Once we got into his room he closed the door and pushed me up against it. He attacked my neck with his lips "Those guys were fuckin' checking you out." He grumbled between kisses, I chuckled at his jealousy and protectiveness. I pushed his chest away slightly and he pulled away to look at me. "I need a shower." I stated before slipping out from under him and heading towards the bathroom. When I got to the door way I looked back at him to catch him starring at my ass, "You coming?" I asked and he looked up, grinning "Abso-fucking-lutely."

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