Gym coach

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Summary- you and Negan don't recognise each other at first with all that's happened since the dead started walking.

I snapped out of my thoughts just in time to see the back of someone, but it was too late. I couldn't stop fast enough and collided into them. They stumbled forward as I fell on my ass and my skateboard carried on rolling before stopping a little further up the street.

I know what you're thinking, 'Who the fuck SKATEBOARDS in the middle of a goddamn zombie apocalypse?' Right? Yeah I know it's kinda odd but me and my sister used to skateboard together before everything started and I guess it's a way of reminding myself of that, of her. I miss her, I was older but we were very close in age and very similar. Besides, skateboarding is faster and easier than walking.

I quickly got up as the person turned around, "Shit, I'm really sorry, I didn't see you and-" I stopped as I realised who I'd just bumped into, my eyes widening slightly. I looked back at Rick, who's eyes were also wide and full of panic, then back at the man I just crashed into. "Oh, so you're Negan?" I asked in a quiet voice but I didn't wait for an answer. "You see, that wouldn't have happened if you two weren't stood in the middle of the road. I mean, you should count yourself lucky, you could have gotten hit by a car, a bike, a horse." I jokingly scold them, yeah I know- maybe not my best idea but I always talk too much when I'm nervous.

I was surprised by how confident I sounded, I knew that Negan could end my life right here right now, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing I was even the slightest bit afraid of him.

"Who are you? I don't think I've seen you around here before, doll? If you don't fuckin' mind me asking, what's your name?" Negan asked, smirking down at me.

I smiled back at him and held my hand out to him, "I'm Y/n." I answered as he nodded and shook my hand.

Negan was about to say something before Rick spoke up from beside him, "Y/n what are you doing out here, I thought you were with Carl and-" he was speaking through gritted teeth slightly, like what he was saying had another meaning (the meaning likely being that I should leave them to it before I get everyone killed). However, before he could finish his sentence, I started speaking, "But I got bored, Carl was busy and don't worry about Judith, she's with- erm.. shit.." I could never remember her name. "You know, dark hair, glasses.." I gestured to my face as I spoke. "Olivia?" Rick sighed and I could tell he was getting pissed. "YES, Olivia. I can never remember her name." I stated and glanced at Negan who looked amused by the whole thing.

"Well what I was gonna say, before Rick the prick here decided to butt into our fuckin' conversation, was that it's nice to meet you,
Y/n." That stupid smirk was still on his face and I was starting to loose interest in this whole thing. "Hmm, wish I could say the same, but you're here to take half our shit so ya know.." I trailed off as I glanced around the two men to see a guy walk towards my skateboard.
"HEY, DAVID! HEY- YEAH, COULD YOU- COULD YOU PASS ME THE- NO, pass me the SKATEBOARD, there, the.." I trailed off as he ignored me and walked off. "Asshole." I sighed.

Negan chuckled and Rick sighed as he brought a hand up to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose. I look back at Negan and it was like something clicked, I squinted slightly and tilted my head in thought, "What?" He sounded concerned at why I'd just started staring at him. "I swear I've seen you before."
"Pretty sure I would fuckin' remember meeting you, sweetheart." His brows furrowed as he smirked at me, looking confused. "No I mean I'm pretty sure I saw you around before shit hit the fan, when everything was normal." I was adamant I've seen this man before but he was still sceptical.

I carried on staring as I was racking my brains for any type of clue on why this man seemed familiar to me. He seemed so familiar that I felt almost comfortable around him, like I could be myself, hence the confidence just. My train of thought was interrupted when Negan spotted some saviours who were stood outside of a house behind me. "HEY! Stop fuckin' around, you've got shit to do. Now get moving." The saviours mumbled there apologies quickly before walking off.

Then I remembered. I remember walking down the school corridor to gym class. I remember standing on the field playing some useless sports and messing around with my friends. I remember Coach Negan telling us the same thing.

My eyes almost popped out of my sockets and my jaw dropped. "HOLY BAG OF DICKS." Hell knows why it took my so damn long to realise that the man in front of me used to be my fucking GYM COACH, I guess it's because he looks a tad bit different considering we're in the apocalypse now.

I realised that both Negan and Rick were staring at me like I had grown another head. My face had gone back to normal and I pointed a finger at Negan, "Hey I gotta question, where'd ya used to work before the apocalypse?" I asked casually and he still looked at me like I was insane. "Why'd you wanna know, doll?" He asked sceptically.
"Was it a school, by any chance?" I understood that he didn't want to talk about his past, especially not when Rick was stood quietly listening to the whole conversation. "Yes." He grunted like he was annoyed that I knew. "Well then, it's good to see you again. Coach."

Now it was there turn to looked shocked. After a couple minutes Negan directed his gaze to the floor, his eyes were darting around and I could tell he was trying to remember the faces of the people who were in his classes. A couple seconds later he looked up at me with that same cocky smirk, "Y/n Y/l/n right? You're the girl that wouldn't keep fuckin' still and wouldn't listen to me." He stated smugly.
"That's me." I wasn't expecting him to remember me out of all the kids he's taught.
"And I did listen to you, I just got distracted easily and besides, isn't it kinda good that I was constantly moving considering you taught gym class?" I asked and laughed at the things I suddenly remembered, like him just constantly shouting my name because I was jumping around or wondering off while he was trying to explain something.

"Wow, Y/n Y/l/n. Not gonna lie to ya doll, it's good to see a familiar face even if I didn't recognise you straight away. In fact, thinking about it, I don't know how I didn't realise who you were straight a-fuckin'-way sweetheart, you were my best and worst student." He grinned and I nodded.

"Somehow, I know what you mean. It was my cool as shit dancing that put me on your favourite student list, wasn't it?" I grinned. "Fuck yeah it was your dancing, ya know, none of my other students used to stand there dancing while they were supposed to be listening to me and nobody else used to bat the fuckin' badminton as enthusiastically as you seemed to doll." He grinned back but before we could reminisce any further, Rick piped up from behind Negan.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but-"
"But you do and you fucking did, Rick. Ya know, if you were as good at collecting shit for us than you are at interrupting conversations, we wouldn't have so many goddamn problems." Negan turned around swiftly at the sound of Ricks voice and cut him off almost immediately. "Anyways," he spoke after a minutes silent and turned back around to face me. "It was real good to fuckin' see you darlin', I'll be thinking about you while I'm at The Sanctuary. Can't wait till next time doll, we'll talk more." He winked and walked away after I said goodbye too and Rick followed after him quickly.

I stood there stunned slightly before walking up to my board and skating off down the road in the direction I came from. I knew it was bad to feel excited about the next time I get to see Negan but I couldn't help it. Then I realised that Rick doesn't like people leaving their houses when the Saviours are here because he wants to avoid conflict as much as possible. 'Oh shit, Rick is probably gonna kill me for leaving my house especially because I was supposed to be babysitting and also, I spoke to Negan.'

Negan imaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя