British accents

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Summary- Negan takes a liking to your British accent and develops his own awful attempt at a British accent.

"Ay up guvnah!" Every damn time, I swear this man is going to drive me crazy. "What the hell do you want Negan?" I asked the face that was just they other side of the bared window. "Just wondering where the bloody hell you're off too luv, you fancy a cuppa and a crumpet with me darlin'?" He had a shit eating grin across his face as he spoke in his best British accent. I sighed before deciding to go into the cell he was locked up in 24/7.

"You still need to work on your British accent by the way, it's still pretty terrible." I chuckled as I stood I front of his cell. "Poppycock! My British accent is better than yours!" I stared at him for a moment before I realised a smile had crept up onto my face without me realising, god he's such a child.

I remember when this started, it was the saviours first time at Alexandria and I'd just helped Gabe dig an empty grave for Maggie. We walked up to Negan and Rick, "Do you care to pay your respects?" Gabriel asked and Negan spun around quickly "Holy crap! You are creepy as shit, sneakin' up on me wearing that collar with that freaky ass smile!" It was clear he wasn't expecting us to be there and that made me laugh slightly before I could stop myself.

I bit my lip and hoped Negan would just ignore me but no, I could see him looking at me as I stared at the floor and Gabe introduced himself. "And who is this lovely lady with you, father?" I looked up at him and he was grinning at me so I cleared my throat as I noticed the people around were staring my way. "I'm Y/n.. sorry I laughed?" I added unsurely because he was staring at me like I had just grown two more heads. "You're British?!" He said with a level of excitement that made me feel slightly uneasy.

"No shit, what's it to you?" I sounded more confident that I expected and it seemed to surprise Negan too, but I realised that this is the guy that's basically traumatised everyone. "Well fuck me doll, I just happen to find your accent pretty damn hot is all. Why don't you tag along? You can help Rick with the tour he's giving me of this fuckin' magnificent place ya got here." He asked but I knew I didn't really have a choice in the matter, so I went along with it.

The saviours were just about to leave when Rick went to speak to Michonne, he watched Rick walk away for a moment before swivelling round to face me. It was just me and him now. Great. "So, darlin' tell me, how'd you make it here in time for the fuckin' apocalypse but ya still have that strong British accent?" He asked and he genuinely sounded curious but I was getting a lot of dirty looks from fellow Alexandrians so I decided to cut this short.

"Long story." I stated as I looked up at him. "Aww cmon Y/n don't be like that, hey I need help with my British accent, I was wondering if you could help me improve it?" He smiled like he was trying to act innocent but I could see the mischief in his eyes. I looked around to see if Rick was coming back but I had no such luck "Sure why the hell not right?" I mean, I have a point, plus it would stop this weird awkward small talk that nobody likes. "Go on then, say something and I'll see how bad at accents you are." I looked at him as he cleared his throat and I could tell this was going to be stupid.

"Cor blimey! You are such a fit bird!" He really exaggerated it and I shook my head while punching the bridge of my nose. "That was dreadful, never do that again." I told him honestly and he looked at me before sighing dramatically, "Bollocks!" He said quieter than before but still in a weird over the top British accent. I shook my head again but I couldn't help the slight smile that made its way onto my face.

Now looking at him through the bars of his cell I shook my head out of amusement. "You're an arsehole, yanno that?" I joked and he laughed, "Arse! Arsehole!" He was still speaking in his awful accent. "Are you mocking me?" I raised my eyebrows at him and he just grinned. "Crikey! I'd never do somethin' so terrible!" He said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, I need to go get some food, I'll bring you something." I stated and before turning around to walk up the steps I heard him say "Cheers luv, cheerio!" In the awful accent making me laugh as I walked away.

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