The person I was

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Summary- Negan is worried you'll start to see him as the monster everyone else sees.

I walked down the steps like I did at least three times a week and walked through the door before closing it. I walked in further and stood near the metal bars, waiting for him to look up from his book to notice me. "Back for more, sweetheart?" He grinned as he looked up at me, he closed the book and put it down on the floor before standing up and walking over to the metal bars so he was stood in front of me. "Lets just say I missed your humour." I joked and he laughed "I am pretty fuckin' funny." He smirked at me "If you say so." I grinned and he chuckled.

I come down here to talk to Negan a lot. I wasn't lying when I said I missed his humour, everyone else is so fucking serious, when I talk to Negan we joke about everything that's happening and I actually laugh at some of the things he says. He also listens to me and my opinions on things, even if it's stupid or I'm just moaning about everything, he still listens and that's more than anyone else does nowadays. I know people hate me for it, speaking to Negan, but I only started talking to him because he's one of the only people I can talk to without being bored out of my mind.

I joined Alexandria just after they beat the Sanctuary and Rick decided to save Negan, they found me when they were on a supply run. I had just escaped a group that me and my best friend Lucas were with, we had gotten back from a run and they were getting attacked by a small herd of walkers. Me and Lucas tried to save them and we had put most of them down when Lucas got bit, he told me that the damn thing had just snuck up on him. He asked me to shoot him before he turned.

Lucas was a bit older than me and I always saw him as a brother, he always protected me even when I told him that I was an adult and could look after myself, he always made sure I was alright. But I had to shoot him, that's what he wanted.

It was Rick, Daryl, Michonne and a few others that found me in the woods. Ricky boy, as Negan calls him, asked me the three famous questions and then took me back to Alexandria once he was happy with my answers.

My point is that I wasn't here to witness any of the shit Negan did to the group. I've heard about what he's done and yeah, it was pretty awful, but I wasn't there and from the sounds of things he did what he had to do to protect his own people. Plus Ricks group killed about 30 of Negans people in their sleep, so I think it kinda made them even.

The Negan I know is funny, he stands up for me when he doesn't have to and as much as he tries to hide it, I know he cares and regrets most of the shit he's done. He definitely doesn't come across as the crazy homicidal psychopath that he's said to be.

"I heard about the big bad Negan days again. You didn't actually make Rick cut his own sons arm off and then shoot him, did you?" I said dramatically, joking around, I knew he didn't. He told me the rules the Sanctuary followed and one was that they didn't kill kids. Also, I've gotten to know Negan quite well and I know he wouldn't do something that brutal anyway. The things he's done have been made into dramatic stories that people use to scare others with. I think it's partly to make Rick look good but it's also like Chinese whispers, as they tell other people, they end up adding parts or make what happened sound more dramatic and worse than it actually was.

He looked at me for a few seconds before he sighed "'Course I fuckin' didn't. I would never have hurt Carl, Carl was.." he trailed off before he sighed, "You know I would never do anything like that, right?" He looked kinda worried for a second, before his face changed to mask his emotions. "Yeah, I know you don't hurt kids. And by the way, if some of those stories about you get exaggerated anymore than they already are, they're gonna be saying you're able to fly and grow swords from out of your knuckles like fucking wolverine." I joked, wouldn't that be a sight to see. "How do you know that I can't do that?" He grinned, raising an eyebrow at me questioningly and we both laughed.

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