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Summary- Simon and Dwight bring you in to meet Negan for questioning but he takes a liking to you and gives you two options.

I can't believe it. I have been, well, captured I guess. I honestly don't know how I let myself get taken by moustache and blondie. I was only minding my own business, ya know, trying to survive. Apparently they didn't believe me when I told them that I've never heard of Alexandria before, of course they'd be right not to, but they didn't know that. Now my hands were tied together and they dragged me through the woods then shoved me into a car.

I was now being dragged through the dull grey corridors of some sort of factory, after an excruciatingly long and boring car ride. I think I heard moustache call this place the Sanctuary, which would make the guy in charge here Negan, and boy have I heard a lot about him.

Moustache, who I recently learnt was called Simon, knocked on a door and we waited before a deep voice shouted for us to come in. As blondie opened the door I was met by the face of non other than Negan. He was sat at the end of a table at the other end of the room. His gaze was on me for awhile before it flickered over to Simon. He stood up and grabbed a bat that was in the seat next to him, before strolling over to us confidently.

He stopped in front of me, "Who's this fine lady?" He asked Simon and glanced over to Dwight. Before they could answer I decided to speak up. "Moustache and Blondie here think I have something to do with Alexandria." I stated, the corners of Negans mouth turned up slightly and he looked like he was trying to keep a straight face while he gave orders. "Blondie, I need you to go and find Arat. Moustache, I need you to explain to me what the fuck she's talkin' about." He smiled at me for a second while he waited for Blondie to leave and he looked at Simon.

While Simon began explaining how he thinks I'm some sort of compulsive liar who is plotting to kill them all, ok that may be abit of an over exaggeration but it was something like that. I take the time to look at Negan properly, he looked quite intimidating. His intense brown eyes looked darker due to the lack of light in the room and his mouth was held in a straight line. He was tall, I mean I aren't exactly small, but the way he held himself made it feel like he towered over me. Like if he wanted to, he could just stomp on me.

I watched as Simon was 'dismissed' and it was quite for a minute. "So, you're Negan, right?" I asked and he nodded "Yes indeed, I'm guessing my fuckin' reputation proceeds me." He smirked but I chuckled "Yeah only because you managed to piss everyone off, even the dead freaks." I wasn't kidding, if anyone I met knew the man that stood before me, they most definitely hated him.

He laughed and leant back slightly, "I guess I do have some fuckin' enemies. But you just have to deal with shit like that when you're as good as me, darlin'." He smirked, I hummed and bit my bottom lip in thought, I glanced down to the baseball bat in his hand. "I've heard that your cool looking bat has a name?" I looked back at him and he seemed slightly taken aback. He narrowed his eyes at me for a second before shoving the bat in my face "This fuckin' beauty, is Lucille." He smiled proudly and admired it for a moment before looking for my reaction.

I nodded and smiled, "I don't have anything to do with Alexandria ya know." I still stood confidently, no matter how nervous I was right now, I didn't want to show him a weakness he could exploit. His face was serious for awhile and I wasn't sure if he was angry or not, until a smile appeared on his face as he sighed. "Yeah about that, I like you doll, so as long as you ain't some fuckin' spy, I don't give a shit. But I am pretty fuckin' good at reading people and I know your lying about something, darlin', I'm just not sure what that somethin' is yet." He paused whilst grinning. "I wanna give you some options instead, sweetheart, 'cause I'm a nice fuckin' guy."

He didn't give me chance to speak, "You are staying here, no arguments. So, you can either fuckin' work for points or you could be one of my wives doll." He leaned in closer as he gave me the option of being a wife. I could feel his breath hitting my face and it made me nervous. "What if I want to go out and fight like the two idgits that brought me here do?" I didn't exactly want to stay here but maybe it would make it easier if I was constantly out fighting or looking for supplies.

"Nope. I'm sorry but you don't get that option doll. Work for points or become my wife, one of the fucking two." He didn't seem very apologetic though and I pouted. "Why because I'm a woman and you doubt my fighting skills?" Yes I was trying to get my own way, I didn't want to work my ass off only to get what? Two points? I didn't even want to be here so no thankyou. They other option? Do I even have to think about that? Fuck no I'm not being his goddamn wife.

"No. I'm not fucking sexist doll and I definitely don't doubt your damn fighting skills for a second, I can tell you're more than capable of looking after yourself."
"Damn right I can look after myself, but if you're not sexist then what is it Negan?" He sighed before answering, "Ya see doll, if you go and become a fuckin' saviour then there's a good chance you won't come back. You might come in handy darling, therefore I can't loose you. Also I'm gonna be honest doll I think it'd be a whole lot fucking easier if you just became my wife. I know you don't wanna work for points, who does? If you were my wife, you'd live in fucking luxury compared to the others. I'd take good care of you doll, plus I can keep an eye on you." Screw him for making me actually think about being one of his wives.

"If I became one of your wives, would you make me wear one of those stupid dresses? And would I have to sleep with you?" I sighed.
"First, watch the fucking attitude doll. Secondly, no you don't have to wear 'one of those stupid dresses'." He mocked me and then paused as if those words caused him physical pain. "Do you know what I absolutely do not fucking stand for? Rape. I shut that shit down real quick, no exceptions. So no doll, if you don't want to, I won't force myself on you." It actually didn't sound to bad, I knew Rick and Daryl would kill me if they found out but goddammit I really didn't want to work for points, maybe they wouldn't mind too much if I explained the situation to them.

"Ok." I mumbled, god I was not proud of this. "Sorry, what was that doll?" He smirked, oh he's such a smug bastard I swear. "I guess I'll be your wife considering that's they only reasonable option." I spoke through my teeth as I clenched my jaw, I hated this. "Hmm, better. Don't be so bitter darling, it could be worse." He smiled almost threateningly.

"You know, I just realised I don't know your name, doll." Yeah because I never told you dumbass, but of course I would never say that to my darling husband. "Y/n." I watched his smile widen, "What's the saying? Beautiful name, beautiful woman. Come, y/n, I'll show you around." He grinned before walking out the door. I followed and he turned around, "Oh and I forgot to mention, you'll be staying in my room for the time being." He winked and then carried on down the hallway. Staying in his room? Oh joy.

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