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Summary- Negan keeps giving you things and you figure out why.

I had gotten up late today so I had just finished getting dressed and I was pulling my top down over my head when I heard a knock at my door. Before I could even think about opening it, it flung open and Negan came strolling in. He was wearing his famous leather jacket with Lucille resting on his shoulder.

I was used to him barging into my room like this, me and Negan have a weird sorta friendship that consists of constant banter.

I saved his ass from walkers when he was out on a supply run so, as a sort of thankyou, he asked me to go back with him to the Sanctuary.
After a week of being there he asked me to be his wife but I declined, which he was not happy about, so he reluctantly asked me to be a saviour. Now I often go on runs, or to different communities with Negan, Simon, Dwight and a few other saviours.

He smirked as his eyes met mine and I noticed he was holding a hand behind his back, so I raised an eyebrow at him. "Ya know, you can't just keep barging in here without me opening the door first. I could've been naked." I turned around to put my wavy hair up into a messy ponytail.

I heard him chuckle before he closed the door and propped Lucille up against the wall, then walking closer to me. I turned around and, not expecting him to be as close as he was, he made me jump. I put a hand on his chest to push him back slightly, although he didn't move much. "You made me jump, asshole, why are you so close?" I asked and he chuckled again, "Just wanted to fuckin' give you something." He smirked suggestively.

I rolled my eyes, smiling slightly, waiting for him to say something more. He didn't, he just grinned at me and held out the hand that was behind his back. I looked to the black piece of clothing he was holding. I glanced back up at him and he was still grinning, so I took the shirt and held it up. Nirvana was written across it in big yellow writing above a smiley face. I grinned from ear to ear, probably looking like the Cheshire Cat.

I can't believe he remembers that day. On one of the supply runs I found a Nirvana CD and after pestering him for the rest of the time we were out, he let me listen to it on the way back to the Sanctuary (It was me and Negan in one car, Simon and Dwight in the other). We spent the car ride home singing, well it was mainly me singing but he was humming, along to the songs. That was the day I realised that Negan and his music taste weren't half bad.

"You like it?"  He smiled and I nodded, still grinning. I grabbed the hem of the top I was wearing, about to take it off, but I paused. "Turn around." I ordered but he just raised an eyebrow "Really?" He asked, as if what I had told him to do was the stupidest thing ever and I huffed. "Fine. But close your eyes, no peeking." I pointed a finger at him before he smirked "Can't promise anything doll." He closed his eyes, still wearing that stupid smirk.

I rolled my eyes and turned away slightly, lifting my top up over my head and putting the Nirvana one on. I walked over to my mirror and tucked the ends into my black ripped jeans, "This top is pretty fuckin' cool, thankyou Negan." I smiled and realised he had opened his eyes, coming to stand behind me.

He smiled back at me through the mirror and placed his hands a little too low on my hips. I moved them up to my waist and leaned back against his chest and it was quite for awhile. "It looks good on you doll, but I think it would look better on my fuckin' floor." He winked at me through the mirror and I chuckled, turning around to hit his arm playfully "Way to ruin the moment, asshole." I smiled and he raised his eyebrows "Oh, there was a moment?" He chuckled.

I smiled and scoffed before walking up to my draws, picking up my leather jacket and pulling it on over my shoulders. I could still feel his eyes on me so I walked over to where Lucille was and picked her up, holding her out towards him. He eyed me for a minute, "God damn baby girl. You wearing a leather jacket and holding my Lucille. What a fuckin' turn on." He arched his back as he spoke and then bit his bottom lip once he finished. His eyes raked up and down my body again and I sighed, "Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there drooling?" I joked and gestured for him to take Lucille again. "You have no fucking idea what you do to me darlin', you sure you don't wanna be one of my fuckin' wives?" Since I declined his offer of being his wife, he keeps asking me, like I'd change my mind all of a sudden.

Negan imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant