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Summary- Negan and Rick work together to find you after you went missing on a supply run.

The corner of my mouth turned up as I heard bangs coming from behind me, it sounded like something forcefully hitting metal. I looked up at the man in front of me to see a scared look on his face. I knew it couldn't be any walkers because I would have heard the moans, plus they wouldn't be able to hit the metal so forcefully.

My suspicions were confirmed once the man grabbed his gun and held it up defensively. "Drop it." The familiar voice of the man himself, Rick Grimes. When the guy didn't listen, another familiar voice spoke up "You heard the man, put the fuckin' gun down." Negan. It must've been him hitting the metal with Lucille.

I saw panic on the guys face before he suddenly held the gun to my head. My eyes widened as I felt the cool metal press against my temple. "I'll do it. I-I'll kill her, I will. J-Just walk away." The man stuttered out of fear.

"You do that and I'll make sure you're fuckin' death is as fuckin' excruciatingly painful and slow as it can be." Negan growled.

From out of the corner of my eye I saw the guys finger move to the trigger and my eyes closed tightly shut automatically.

The sound of a gun shot echoed throughout the building makes me jump.

I hear something heavy hit the floor and I'm hoping it was the man that was threatening me. I slowly open my eyes as I realise I'm still alive and that Rick must've shot the guy. I look down to see the man holding his stomach whilst trying to reach for the handgun he'd dropped in the process.

I heard Negan chuckle from behind me as he walked over to the struggling man, swinging Lucille in a threatening way. "Well, you didn't fuckin' kill her but you're certainly not making it out alive." He stated before bringing Lucille down hard onto the mans leg. It made a slight crunching noise and the guy screamed in pain.

As Negan lifted Lucille up, I saw bits of the guys jeans, skin and blood stuck to the barbed wire. "That's for being a fuckin' asshole." He then lifted Lucille up again and hit him in the stomach. The man screamed again, "And that's for even touching Y/n, you fuckin' prick." Negan growled once more before finally bashing the guys brains in.

Negan turned around with a proud smirk on his face, "That was great, now can someone please untie me?" I asked and Rick rushed to undo the rope that was wrapped around my hands. Once my hands were free a bent down to undo the ones around my ankles. Once I sat up, Rick was there in front of me, "You okay? He didn't hurt you?" Ricks eyes were full of concern as he skimmed over my body checking for injuries. "No, I'm fine Rick." I smiled at him before standing up and giving him a hug.

"Thankyou guys for helping me." I looked between them both and Rick gave me a small smile before starting to walk off towards the doorway. I went to follow him when Negan spoke up, "That's it, a thankyou? I worked with Rick the prick over there and killed a man for you." Negan whined slightly and I rolled my eyes, facing towards him more. I debated what to do for a second before walking over to him. I leant in closer to him so that I could feel his warm breath hitting my face, I noticed his eyes widen slightly but I moved my head to the side and kissed his cheek. "Thankyou Negan." I smirked at his shocked face before walking off after Rick to the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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