Sunday Morning

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A new week began, carrying more surprises with it.

The first occurred on Sunday morning, as you stretched your arm across the bed as you woke, finding nothing but the cold and empty sheets. That's unusual, you thought. Sitting up abruptly, you quickly rubbed the sleep away from your eyes, letting them roam around your bedroom in search of your husband to no avail.

Where was he?

Something was definitely amiss considering Mark was never up before you — especially on a Sunday. Grabbing the hoodie that was draped by your dresser chair, you quickly pulled it on and washed up so that you could try and figure out what was going on.

You had no idea what you would find when you headed downstairs towards the kitchen, but you definitely weren't expecting a shirtless Mark, standing there in all his glory, cooking up a storm for breakfast. As he remained unaware of your presence, you shut your gaping mouth and took the opportunity to shamelessly check him out — he was still your husband after all.

His arms were a lot bigger and his back was much broader than you remembered. A quiet swear slipped from your lips when he turned to place plates on the table, his chiseled abdomen and toned chest greeting you. Had he been putting on extra time at the gym? Or was it simply the fact that you hadn't seen him like this in so long? Was that why he seemed different than what you remembered?

With a sigh, you headed over to where he was.

Finally sensing your presence when he heard you sigh, Mark looked up with a smile, ready to greet you good morning. Though it didn't last long, changing to a look of awe as soon as he spotted you. It turned out that you weren't the only one in for a surprise that morning.

Mark wasn't sure what he was expecting when you came downstairs, but he definitely wasn't expecting to see you in nothing but his hoodie, paired with some barely there shorts. Fuck, what a beauty. You were just as gorgeous as he remembered. Standing straighter, he could only stare and nod when you asked if he wanted a coffee; his voice nowhere to be found.

Without shame, he stood idly by and watched his hoodie ride up your body as you tried to reach for both of your mugs from the cupboard, revealing your soft skin underneath inch by inch. How he wished he could feel you beneath his fingertips, but he knew that he would have to earn that right again. Smiling, Mark appeared right behind you, feeling you stiffen against him as he easily grabbed that cups that you were after.

Knowing all too well what you would be faced with when you turned back around, you took a deep breath to steel yourself. Of course, it was of no use to you because to this day, Mark's presence affected you to no end. You always thought that the feeling would wear off the longer you were together, but it only seemed to get stronger.

"Thank you," you exhaled, gaze locking with his. You couldn't look away even if you wanted to, his hard stare keeping you in place. It was especially hard to do so with him standing so close that you would have been able to feel his skin against yours, if it wasn't for his hoodie shielding you. "Thank you for getting the cups and for breakfast."

"No problem," Mark breathed out, before shutting his eyes and forcing himself to walk away from you. The act consumed all of his strength especially when he wanted nothing more than to gather you in his arms and kiss you like his life depended on it. "Shall we eat out on the patio today?"

The sadness you felt as you watched him turn his back on you and walk away was something you never thought you'd have to experience. With your marriage due to end in a couple more weeks, you knew it was something you needed to grow accustomed to. "Sure. Let's do it."

After breakfast, you found yourselves sitting on the swing on your front porch, watching the morning go by. Quietly observing different people as they went about their day.

"Have you got anything planned today?" Mark's voice broke through the silence.

"Nelyn wanted to do some last minute shopping for the big day," you smiled at him, before finishing off the last of your coffee. "Is that okay?"

"When have you ever needed my permission?" he chuckled as you playfully smacked his arm.

"You know that's not what I meant. I just wanted to make sure you didn't have anything planned that I would miss out on, that's all."

Mark smiled this time. "That's very kind of you," he replied with a quick pat on your hand. If he were being honest, your outing was a blessing in disguise, considering he needed more time to plan the next few weeks, and wanted you out of the house so that you would remain unaware of it. "Nothing planned. Off you go."

Wanting to thank him, you turned and placed a chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth. Mark's eyes widened before closing, restraining himself for the second time today.

"I'm gonna go ahead and get ready. Do you need anything while I'm out?"

"Just for you to come back," Mark blurted without thinking, surprising both of you.

Giving his hand a gentle squeeze in reassurance, you stood up and made your way back inside your home.

If only he knew that you would always come back to him, if only he asked.

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