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Relief washed through him in waves, making him laugh out loud. Mark looked at you in awe before crashing your lips together in a desperate kiss. Matching his fervour, the kisses became urgent and were filled with clashing teeth. The intensity knocked the breath out of you and you could only hang on to him as you started to feel like the floor was being literally pulled from underneath you.

Pulling your hips, Mark anchored you to his body as he walked towards the nearest wall. Shoving you hard against the surface, the impact forced you to pull away and Mark didn't waste any time attaching his lips back onto your skin. In the juncture of your neck he settled; kissing, sucking and nipping. Firmly, he pinned you in place as he rolled his hips to your centre; a loud sinful moan slipping from your lips as you felt the evidence of his erection tight against his pants.

Far too hot and far too fast, you knew you had to do something to stop even though your whole body was screaming how much you wanted him. You could feel him everywhere and it was slowly driving you deliciously insane, but after everything that had happened, and after all the times that you had waited, this wasn't how you wanted to be intimate with him.

Mustering all of your strength, you managed to lift his head from your neck. Like a man possessed, Mark wasn't having it. His head descended again as he aimed for your lips but you placed your hand firmly against his chest, slightly pushing, and the change in direction surprised him. Feeling him pull away, you settled your left hand by his nape, securing him in place as your right hand rests atop his chest where his heart laid underneath.

"Mark, I love you," you declared. Firmly. Lovingly. Desperately.

"With all that I am, I love you," Mark replied back just as fierce.

The hand that was settled on his nape slid to the front to cup his cheek. "I want you to make love to me," you pleaded, voice dripping with need.

"Fuck, it would be my pleasure," Mark granted before connecting your lips again. His kisses were still hungry and filled with desire, but he took his time, slowing it down to reassure you that he would give you what you wanted.

With his hands sliding down from your hips, they made a quick stop by your bottom to squeeze your flesh before they settled behind your thighs. Taking his cue, you jumped into his arms without detaching your lips away from him and Mark shoved you against the wall again to readjust his grip before making his way up the stairs and into your bedroom.

Shutting the door with his foot once he crossed the threshold, he set you down on the floor gently and reluctantly pulled away from your lips. Quickly savouring the movement, Mark let a swear slip from his mouth before quickly ridding himself of his dress shirt; choosing to just untuck the material and pull it over his head to toss to another side of the room instead of unbuttoning it. With his undershirt quickly following, he quickly reached for you again, weaving his hands through your tresses as he kissed you.

Moaning into the kiss, your fingertips trailed the expanse of his exposed skin; from his Adonis belt to his snail trail, up the grooves of his toned abdomen, quickly stopping to tease his nipples before your hands locked by his nape so you could pull him further into the kiss. A sound from deep inside Mark's chest sent a fresh wave of arousal straight down to your core and you tilted your head to deepen the kiss.

Mark's fingers found the hem of your dress and they skimmed your skin as he slowly pulled the silk material to rid you of it. Reluctantly, you parted from his lips so he could completely remove the barely there dress and as he tossed it to where his shirts were, you moved to unclasp your strapless lace bra so it could join the growing pile of discarded clothing. Biting your lip, you walked backwards until the back of your knees hit the edge of the bed. With eyes filled with desire, Mark watched as you scooted backwards to the middle of the bed and quickly removed the rest of his clothing.

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