The Fall

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As soon as Mark pulled into the driveway, you dashed out and headed towards the door, not even looking back to see if Mark had followed you. The drive home was filled with silence, bar the traffic and the soft music that was playing in the background. Neither of you dared to look at the other, the tension so thick that it was borderline suffocating.

Grasping the door knob like your life depended on it, you turned it and quickly walked in, not bothering to shut it or removing your shoes. Placing your hand on the wall of the hallway, you leaned on it, clinging on for dear life as air finally filled your lungs and you could breathe again. Stray tears streamed down your face and you hastily wiped them away, not wanting Mark to see them when he walked in.

Hearing the door shut, you knew you were too late. He had seen you.

Devastated. That was one way to describe how Mark was feeling, as he watched you slip away from his fingers. As soon as you both left the wedding, you had been distant, not even bothering to hold his hand or walk with him on the way back to the car. As time went on, the distance between you only grew bigger, evident in the way you ran out of the car to get as far away from him as you could.

Watching you closely, he was shattered at your breaking form in front of him. Shoulders slumped, body heaving as your body struggled to breathe in some air, Mark knew you were on the verge of a breakdown and his fears were confirmed when he saw you wipe tears away from your face. Shutting the door with the back of his foot, he made his way towards you.

"What's wrong?" Mark asked, even though he knew the chances of you answering him were close to none. You had refused to answer, just as he predicted. Moving to place his hand on your back to rub soothingly, his eyes widened in shock as you flinched and moved away from him, heading towards the living room.

Confused, you shook your head vehemently, not wanting to answer his question until you were sure — sure of what you had wanted. Whether you would choose to stay with him or to leave him. Needing some time, you shut your eyes tight and paced the room, trying to weigh in your options. However, fate wasn't on your side this time; it wasn't going to let you walk away so easily.

Mark spoke first, and you knew that as soon his words left his mouth, there would be no turning back. "Look, if this is about Holly, I'm sorry," his trembling voice cut through your thoughts. "I didn't realise I was spending so much time catching up with her and—"

Damn it. He had done it. There was definitely no escape now.

"God, if only this was about Holly," you scoffed, tone bitter. "If only our problem was as small as her. If only we could place the blame of our failing marriage on her. If only it were that easy."

"Our marriage isn't failing," Mark said defiantly, not wanting your thoughts to continue spiralling down in that direction.

"Are you kidding me?!" you asked incredulously as you turned to face him. "Look at us! We are on the verge of divorcing!"

"We don't have to divorce," Mark stood his ground. He was determined and he wasn't going to give up. Not now. "The past few weeks have been incredible. We have—"

"What about the past few years?" you challenged him. Jaebeom's advice was running circles in your mind. You needed to confront this.

"There was nothing wrong," he replied, exasperated. Rubbing his face, he wished he could come up with a way to make you understand.

"Of course, you would say that!"

"What was it then? Why don't you tell me?"

"There were so many things wrong—"

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