The Beginning of the End

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In front of the dresser you sat, sweeping your fingers through your curls as you tousled them to the side, exposing your neckline. As you put on your dangling diamond earrings, Mark's reflection came into view and you could do nothing but drop your hands on your lap as you stared back at him. In a trance, you followed his movements as he approached, only coming back to yourself as you felt him stand right behind you.

Mark placed his hands on your exposed shoulders, gently massaging them to relax you. "You look incredible," he said in awe, as he locked gazes with your reflection. "How did I get so lucky?"

With a loving smile, you placed your hand atop his and squeezed. "I'm just as lucky," you replied back. "You look great in a tux."

"Stop it," Mark laughed and you couldn't help but join him. Leaning down, his right arm released you and reached over to a box on your dresser that you hadn't realised was there. Whispering in your ear, he said, "I got you something."

Scooting over, Mark took a seat next to you and brought the box in front of you. As he opened it, you let out a gasp as you discovered the shimmering diamond pendant that was displayed inside it.

"Mark, this is too much," you looked up into his eyes, feeling his warmth surround you, from the love you could see from them. "I can't accept this."

"It's a gift from a husband to his wife," Mark shook his head lightly, having anticipated your response. "I'm your husband and you're my wife. Please, accept it." Accept me.

With a slight nod, you agreed that you would; not that you could reject it even if you wanted to. Not when he was looking at you like you hung up the stars on his sky. In Mark's world, that may very well be the case.

As endearing as he always was, you smiled as Mark's trembling hands reached for the necklace. Once he had it safely in his hands, you turned your back to him, so he could put it on for you. After he had fastened the clasp, you turned back to face the mirror, adjusting your hair back in place as you ran your fingers over the jewel.

"It's beautiful," you said as you gazed at him through the mirror.

"You're beautiful," Mark smiled and planted a kiss on your exposed shoulder.

Facing him, you leaned forward and nuzzled your nose against his. Mark didn't hesitate to place his hand on your nape to keep you from moving away as he connected your lips together. God, he could spend the rest of his life kissing you. Tempted as he was to just spend the rest of the night exactly where he was, Mark knew that Jinyoung would kill him if they missed his wedding.

"We have to go," Mark pulled away reluctantly, but planted another kiss on your lips just as quickly.

"Do we have to?" you whined, resting your forehead on his.

"You want Nelyn to kick your ass?"

"Yeah, okay. We should go."

Laughing, Mark helped you up and assisted you with your coat. With joined hands, you both made your way to the wedding.

Hand in hand, you and Mark walked across the field and made your way towards the giant marquee where the reception was being held. Jinyoung and Nelyn's ceremony had gone off without a hitch and you couldn't be more happy for them. Even though the beginning of their marriage reminded you of the end of your own, you tried hard to push those thoughts aside. That night could very well be one of your last nights with your friends and with Mark, so you wanted to make sure that it ended on a good note.

"You okay?" Mark asked, knowing full well you were in your head again.

"I am," you assured him as you gently squeezed his hand. "I promise, you'll be the first to know if I'm not."

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