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With a smug smirk on his face, Jaebeom sat in his office chair relaxed, with his back leaning on the plush material. He was sporting the biggest shit-eating grin you had ever seen and you couldn't wait to wipe it off of him. So you did, grabbing the nearest cushion on the couch and throwing it squarely at his face.

"Easy, babe," Mark chuckled from your side, as he grabbed your hand to appease you. "Though I must say, your aim is definitely improving."

"When is this going to be over?" you groaned before burying your face in your hands.

"Oh, you are going to see this face for the rest of your life," Jaebeom declared through his laughter. "Putting up with this can be your way of saying 'thank you' for saving your marriage."

"I'm going to kill him."

"No, you're not," Mark laughed before wrapping his arms around you to keep you in place.

"But, he's never going to stop," you whined adorably and God, did Mark miss it.

"Look, we both know he's going to keep this up for a while and we are just going to have to accept that or I guess we can just uninvite him from when we renew our vows and—"

"Wait, you guys are renewing your vows?" Jaebeom asked in surprise, happy that his two friends were back on track with their love for each other. "Back in Hawaii?"

You were about to reply with a 'yes' but you saw that Mark shook his head. "No?" you asked in confusion.

"No," Mark confirmed. "Not in Hawaii."

"Then where?"

Mark then turned to Jaebeom and asked, "Do you have that paperwork from last week?"

Jaebeom searched hard in his memory. "The one about the registry of land—"

"That one. Give it to me."

With curious eyes, you watched your husband stand and walk over to where Jaebeom was to grab a piece of paper from him. Mark walked back and handed you the paper once he sat down. With trembling fingers, you opened the paper and read the contents of it.

"You bought a building?" you asked confused.

Mark shook his head and smiled warmly at you. "I bought land," he clarified. "I've designed... the property, I guess you can call it."

"What are you building? What does this have to do with our vows?"

With a fond smile, Mark reached for your hands. "Remember when you told me that you were finally having your first exhibition?" he asked and you nodded in confirmation. "I couldn't believe that it had taken them so long to realise how amazing your work was and I was afraid of how much longer it was going to take for your second exhibition, so I..."

"You... what?"

"I designed your very own studio that night and I'm currently in the process of building it."

Just when you thought you couldn't love him any more, Mark continued to prove you wrong. "You are building me a studio of my own?" you asked with a wavering voice paired with glassy eyes.

Mark cupped your face. "I am and I was hoping we could renew our vows—"

"Yes," you interrupted him. "This is amazing and perfect and I love you so much."

Grabbing his shirt in your fists, you pulled him closer to you and kissed him like your life depended on it; and you knew it did. Mark was a huge part of your life and you knew that he was always going to be because you would always love him.

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