By Your Side

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The next morning came as cold and quiet as the night left. Barely any words were exchanged, with Mark not knowing the right words to say and with you giving him the silent treatment. To his surprise, you still accepted the food he prepared for you and had allowed him to place a chaste kiss on your lips. Maybe, there was hope for him yet, if he could only figure out how to fix the mess that he was in.

Just as you were about to hop into your car, you turned to his still standing figure by the doorway. "Good luck on your business deal tonight," you offered sincerely, before swiftly entering your car and driving off, not giving him a chance to reply to you.

Pained, Mark stood there wordlessly. Saddened by the fact that you hadn't given him the chance to wish you well, he settled for sending you his regards through text.

dear husband: i won't wish you well on your exhibition tonight
dear husband: because you don't need it
dear husband: you are amazing at what you do
dear husband: i'm so glad that people will finally get to see you as i do
dear husband: i love you

The morning was so busy that you didn't even get a chance to check your phone until you were on your lunch break. As soon as you read his messages, you burst into tears and suddenly you were thankful that you had taken your break in the comforts of your office. You wanted to continue to be mad at him but you couldn't, not when his words brought you the comfort that you desperately needed. Besides, this whole mess wasn't entirely Mark's fault, the timing was just never on your side.

Timing was such a bitch.

Thankful for his gesture, you allowed yourself to smile for the first time that day.


Huffing, Mark finally arrived at the restaurant where the dinner with the client was being held, with just a minute to spare before it started. Thoughts of you flooded his mind as he took a moment to collect himself. Laughing, he couldn't believe that he had been distracted by you the whole day — so much so that he even almost forgot his blueprints at the office and was no longer sure he could present them properly.

Before he could dwell on it any longer, the host of the restaurant stepped out of the private room to invite him and his competitors in. As his fellow architects started to approach the room, Mark came to the realisation that something was horribly wrong. As he looked around him, he realised that every single one of the attendees had brought their spouses with them. Everyone except for him.

Unsure why that was the case, Mark didn't really care for the reason. All he cared about was the fact that he was there and wasn't by your side.

Walking into the great dining hall, every guest was introduced to the client and his wife by the host. Mark scoffed, disbelief enveloping him as he realised once more that he was the only one that arrived alone. Before he knew it, he was the last guest left to be introduced, and was now standing in front of his client.

"This is Mr. Tuan," the host gestured towards him.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kim," Mark offered his hand for a handshake. "My name is Mark and it is an honour to meet you."

"The pleasure is ours," Mrs. Kim returned the gesture. "Though, I must admit that I'm a little surprised. I was hoping that your wife would be accompanying you. I'm a massive fan of her photography work and had always wanted to meet her."

Startled at the mention of your name and your profession, Mark was frozen on the spot, unable to say anything back. Was fate mocking him? Why couldn't he escape your presence even for just a second? With a gasp, understanding dawned on Mark; fate wasn't mocking him, fate was showing him the answer. You.

Mark finally made his decision.

With an apologetic bow, Mark handed his blueprints over to his client. "My apologies, but I can't stay," he announced to the shock of everyone in the room. "My wife is actually holding her very first exhibition at the gallery tonight, so I just came to drop the plans off. I'm sorry that I'm unable to present it but I have to go."

With a nod, Mark exited the restaurant and made his way to where he should've been. Right by your side.


With a sigh, you walked over to stand by the nearest table as you continued to nurse your third glass of wine. You had no plans to consume any alcohol tonight as you wanted to be completely present for your first ever exhibition, but the constant questions about Mark's whereabouts were beginning to get tiresome. At one stage, it even seemed like they were more interested in your private life than your work, and that was when you had reached for your first glass.

"You might want to slow down there," your work friend Hana teased as she stood by you.

"I'll slow down when everyone finally stops asking me about Mark," you replied before taking another sip of your wine.

"Well, about that..."

"What? What about it?" you asked worriedly.

With a sympathetic smile, Hana placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Boss lady is on the way here with a few potential investors and some media reps," Hana explained with a sympathetic smile. "She said she would try her best to stir questions away from your love life, but you know what they're like sometimes."

Sighing, you polished off the rest of your wine before answering her. "They'll ask anyway. It's okay, Hana. I can handle it."

"Good, because they're almost here."

Twenty agonising minutes later, you were ready to throw in the towel. With every passing second, your hands were itching to grab another wine glass from any of the many waiters walking by. Grateful for your boss for staving off the dreaded question as best she could, you sighed knowing that it was inevitable. Caught off guard, the question comes at you sooner than you thought.

"So, we couldn't help but notice that your husband isn't here," one of the media representatives asked. "Where is Mark?"

Wiping the sweat from your palms on your dress, you swallowed the lump in your throat as you prepared to answer her. Before a single word could slip past your lips, a familiar voice from behind you filled the pregnant silence, instantly enveloping your body with warmth and comfort.

"I'm right here," Mark announced his presence, wrapping his left arm around your shoulders and drawing you in so he could place a gentle kiss on your temple. "I got a little held up but I'm here. I wouldn't have missed this for the world. Now, if you'll excuse us, I'd like a moment to congratulate my wife."

With a respectful bow to your guests and your boss, Mark slid his hand down and grabbed yours to lead you away from the crowd.

"You're here," you whispered, eyes glued to your joined hands, trying to decipher if you were imagining it all in your head. "You're really here."

"I am," Mark smiled, as he weaved through the crowd in search of a quiet space where he could speak to you in private. "I meant what I said back there, I wouldn't have missed this for the world."

Tugging his hand back as you halted in your tracks, he turned in confusion and you crashed your body against his as you engulfed him in your arms. Hugging him tighter when you felt his arms wrap around your body, you buried your face in his chest, planting a quick kiss to where his heart was. "Thank you for being here. I know what it might have cost you, but this truly means so much to me."

"This was— you are worth it," Mark whispered in your hair. "Now, why don't you show me through your exhibit?"

With a beaming smile, you planted another kiss on his cheek before leading the way.

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