Easily Distracted

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With a sigh, Mark crossed the threshold, grateful to be home. After a long and tiring day at work, he couldn't wait to spend Friday night and the weekend with you. As he hung up his coat, he frowned as he spotted a nerf gun on the table by their walk way. Confusion turned to elation, once he read the note that was attached to it.

dearest husband, welcome home. I'm hiding somewhere in the house with a nerf gun. Here is the other one. The loser buys dinner tonight. May the odds be ever in your favour. xoxo, wife.

Mark shook his head and laughed to himself as he put the note down and grabbed the nerf gun you left for him. God, you were so adorable and he was so in love with you. "I hope you're ready," he yelled out to announce that he was now aware of your plan.

"I've been practising all day so you better be," you called back from somewhere in the house.

Smirking, Mark started to move, hand drawn out in front of him. Stealthily, he checked the living room, looking behind the couch and behind the curtains. Moving on to the kitchen, he'd barely taken two steps in before a nerf bullet whizzed past his ear. His infectious laugh boomed through your home as he quickly hid behind one of the walls, hopeful that he was out of your view.

"Close, but not close enough," Mark taunted from his hiding spot.

"I wouldn't be talking if I were you," you warned him. "I know where you are but you don't know where I am."

"Actually, thanks to our fridge, I can see that you're behind the couch."

"Damn it."

Laughing again, Mark turned to face the wall, preparing to peek his head out to find out exactly where you were. Taking a deep breath, he went for it. His head barely peered out from behind the wall before another bullet whizzed by, just narrowly missing him again. You really weren't lying when you said you had been practising.

Mark realised that his only shot at winning was to take you head on. Moving away from the wall, he would have to run at you and dodge your bullets whilst praying that his bullets would reach you. It was a big risk but it was also his best chance. One of his six bullets was bound to get you.

On the count of three, Mark went for it again. Calming himself, Mark brought his arm out from behind the wall and shot out two bullets in your direction. Running out from behind the wall, he moved towards where he thought you would be only to realise that you weren't there anymore. Cursing as he arrived behind the couch, another bullet whizzed past his head, making him turn to the direction of the source. As soon as his eyes landed on you, his jaw dropped to the floor and his arm that was holding the gun hung limply by his side.

Across from him you stood, in all your glory, in nothing but one of his white button ups, showcasing your gorgeous pins. With one hand resting on your hip and the other holding the gun that was directly pointed at him, Mark knew then that he never had a chance of winning in the first place. Biting your lip, you pulled the trigger and the bullet hit him straight on his chest.

"I win!" you announced victoriously, throwing your nerf gun on one of the lounge chairs as you ran towards Mark and jumped onto him.

Staggering a few steps backwards in shock, Mark quickly recovered as he wrapped one arm around your waist whilst his other hand dropped the gun on the couch so he could grab your thigh, anchoring you to him. Joining you in laughter as you giggled heartily by his ear, Mark carefully walked toward the couch and sat down with you on his lap.

"I can't believe I won," you said in disbelief as you pulled back from nuzzling his neck. "I've never won against you before."

"Please, you cheated," Mark scoffed, pretending to be upset, even though he was far from it.

"Excuse me?!"

"As if I had a chance of winning against this," he gestured to you on top of him.

"It's not my fault that you're easily distracted," you countered.

"How could I not be when you're literally wearing—"

Wanting to prove your point, you cupped his face in your hands and leaned in close to his face, immediately shutting him up. With your noses almost touching and his breath fanning your face, you realised how badly you wanted to kiss him. So you did.

Tilting your head to the side, you closed your eyes and connected your lips to his. The feeling of his soft plump lips was something you had missed and it would seem that he missed your lips just as much as he kissed you back. Moving to deepen the kiss, Mark gripped your hips tight and pulled you closer to him. A gasp slipped from you and Mark took the opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth melding it with yours.

Groaning, Mark moved his hands, weaving his left through your hair and placing the right by your nape, bringing you impossibly closer to him. Reacquainting his tongue with your mouth, Mark was at a loss at how long he had lasted without kissing you. So pliant against him, Mark kissed you harder, wanting to make up for all the times he spent without his lips attached to yours.

Before long, the lack of oxygen became too much to bear and you reluctantly pulled away from each other. "See, easily distracted," you teased breathlessly as you rested your forehead against his.

Mark laughed and said, "Why don't you distract me a few more times? Then, I'll get us some pizza."

"Sounds good to me," you smiled widely before crashing your lips on his again.

With more of your kisses and some pizza on the horizon, Mark couldn't think of a better way to end the week.

Little did they know, it was the calm before the storm.

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