One Last Week

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Pulled from his slumber by the blaring sound of his alarm, Mark groaned as he attempted to reach out for his wretched phone so that he could shut the damn thing off. Curses joined the incessant noise as Mark found the device in question out of his grasp.

Why couldn't he reach his damn phone?

A sigh that slipped from your lips alerted him of your presence and also answered his question. The reason he was unable to grab his phone was because of your body that was surprisingly wrapped tightly around him. With no time to waste, Mark didn't bother trying to figure out why or how your positions came to be. All he cared about was shutting his alarm off and then basking in the presence of your body against his.

With great effort, Mark wrapped his right arm around you and anchored you to him. Taking a deep breath, he hauled your bodies closer to the edge of the bed, until his free arm could finally grab his phone. Once successful at turning the device off, Mark unceremoniously dropped the phone on the carpet floor, not wanting to see it for at least a few more hours.

"The fuck," Mark cursed, rubbing his face in frustration. "I don't even remember setting it..."

"I did it," you groaned before burying your face in his chest.

"Why?" he asked incredulously. "It's Sunday. We're not meant to be up till at least midday."

"We have a big day today, remember? You're coming with me to shop for a dress for Jinyoung's wedding."

"Babe, I understand that," Mark whined like a baby. "But why would you set the alarm for 7am?! The shops don't even open till 10am!"

"I wanted to squeeze in some cuddle time and some breakfast before we headed out," you pouted and Mark couldn't help but laugh.

"You really missed these cuddle sessions, huh?"

Feigning offence, you quickly unravelled your body from him, before he could realise what was happening. After noticing that your warmth had disappeared and that your body was no longer attached to his, Mark quickly tried to reach out for you but you had already slid over to the far side of the bed.

"Why did you move away?" Mark's whine and pout were out in full force and you almost caved, but the thought of wanting to teach him a lesson prevailed.

"Well, apparently I was the only one who missed the cuddle sessions," you replied, eyebrow raised accusingly.

Mark realised his mistake then and you knew it as soon as he threw you a sheepish smile. "Come on, babe. You know I didn't mean it like that. You know I miss cuddling, too."

"I'm sure," you scoffed, before shifting on the bed, making it seem like you were about to get off.

As soon as Mark saw you shift, it was like someone had lit a fire right under his ass. Faster than you could imagine, he slid over and wrapped his arm around your waist and he dragged you back to the middle of the bed. A squeal escaped from your lips as he conveniently managed to situate himself between your legs, leaning on his hands as hovered above you.

The position was now unfamiliar territory for both of you, but you found that it wasn't awkwardness that you were feeling, rather something akin to contentment.

"You're not going anywhere," Mark breathed out, bravely switching to lean over you on his forearms so you were both chest to chest, faces inches from each other.

"Oh, yeah?" you replied, breathless. Completely and utterly consumed by him. Your trembling hands — more from excitement than nerves — grazed up his skin, past his taut muscles and his chest. They gently cupped his cheeks before weaving themselves into his hair as you guided his face even closer to yours. "What are you gonna do about it?"

Instead of answering you with words, Mark did it through his actions. Closing the gap between your lips, he kissed you hard, not bothering with pleasantries. A deep groan that resonated in his chest elicited a moan from you and he took this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. Not giving a shit about who was in control, you gladly let him take the reigns and set the pace. All you could do was hang on and savour everything he was offering you.

Mark had already spent the majority of the weekend getting reacquainted with your lips but it still seemed like he couldn't get enough. Was it because he wanted to make up for lost time? Or was it because he knew that this could be one of the last kisses he would share with you?

Whatever the case was, if Mark was being honest, it didn't really matter to him. He never needed a reason to kiss you before and he certainly didn't need one now.

All he knew was that he was going to keep kissing you, as long as you let him.

A few hours later — after a long make out session and some breakfast — Mark was sitting on a cream chaise in the third clothing store you stopped by, in search of the perfect red dress to match with his red tie. The longer you took to find a dress, the longer Mark was starting to feel apprehensive. Every second he spent without you in his arms, the longer his negative thoughts seemed to plague him.

One week.

Mark only had one last week to convince you that your marriage was worth saving. That it was worth staying with him for. That he was worth loving.

With his thirty days almost up, he wasn't any closer to knowing whether you would choose to stay with him or choose to leave him. Yes, your relationship had progressed further than it had the past few years in such a short amount of time, but even with Mark putting in all of his efforts — and then some — in trying to be better, he still managed to make mistakes that could have cost him everything.

Rubbing his face in frustration, Mark wished he could just come out and ask you if anything had changed; if he was moving in the right direction. He knew you would answer him honestly, but he also knew that it would bring up wounds that had only started to heal. That was something he wasn't sure he was prepared to do, especially now that the two of you were experiencing incredible highs, because he knew that crashing down would hurt twice as much.

Just as Mark was about to descend into a fit of anxiety, a flicker of movement caught his attention, making him look up. As soon as his eyes landed on your figure, his breath hitched, jaw slacking at the image of you in front of him. Shifting from one foot to another, you looked expectantly back at him and he almost choked on air as he looked into your doe eyes.

"What do you think?" you bit your lip in anticipation of his answer. The choice had been your favourite; the red silk dress clung on to every part of your body, showing off your curves. "The straps are still a bit loose but they'd be able to fix it."

"You look stunning," Mark answered honestly, inwardly cursing at his hoarse voice, throat dry because of you.

"I think this is the one," you smiled. "Unless..."

"No, this is the one," he concurred with a smile of his own. He wasn't sure how he was going to be able to keep his hands to himself throughout that night if you had this dress on but he was going to figure that out when he got there.

"Perfect, I'll go and change so we can pay for it and then have lunch?"

Mark nodded before mumbling, "You're perfect."

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