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Ansel: man, have you noticed that your voice has changed?

Hemlock: what? You mean how i sound like a man and you sound like a piglet on helium?


Hemlock: Heheh.... sure! When you ask me like a man

Ansel: I AM A MAN!

Hemlock: Really? Cause right now you sound like a mouse whose parachute won't open

Ansel: *incoherent squeaking turning into ringing*

*Alex with Shady and Alan listening to a radio from a mile away*
The radio: You have won this antique crystal decanter! Worth over ten thousand-
*The radio breaks*

Ansel: *Squealing* *Voice turns into a normal tone* AND BY THE TIME I'M FINISHED YOU'LL BE WHISTLING OUT OF YOUR BUTT!

Hemlock: Augh! Okay! Okay! I take it back

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