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Shady: Christmas tree!!

Ebony: we will do well for your first Christmas. Hot cocoa will be everywhere

Shady: Christmas tree!

Ansel: yes we are getting one

Shady: Christmas tree

Alan: it's just a tree

Hemlock: *driving* let her get excited over a tree

Darya: I'm not excited about the tree I'm excited about decorating it

Alex: I've been making some decorations out of bronze, they look very cool in my opinion

Hawk: this van is too crowded. How come ebony and shady get better seats

Hemlock: cause Ansel gets the front yo make sure I don't crash into anything and shady and Ebony are not gonna get hurt by some weirdo that's gonna hit us

Rose: .... by that logic we would be hit a lot

Hemlock: whatever

Lia: I want a big tree

Shady: yes big tree

Amber: has to be taller than a cabin

Cassie: isn't that too tall?

Lia: Nope just right

Rose: I wonder where Mintie is

Shady: she spending her Christmas with peter
*Shady winks*

Rose: ... well that's... interesting

*They Demisquad Get their tree and go to camp*

Aqua: how the hell did we get the tree upside down? I thought we were decorating it properly

Cerya: I think it looks interesting

James: we are just too creative for our own good

Alex: my decorations give the look a twist. It's cool

Shady: we forgot the star

Alan: well the star would skip off if we put it-

Hemlock: not of magic
*grabs out super glue*

Shady: magic!!

Demisquad skit book 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon