Spelling name

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Jesse: can you name the order Jesse?

Person at dominos cash register: sure

Shady: *gets the order later and looks at order* they spelt your name wrong

Jesse: HuH?

Shady: J e s s i e, they must've thought the order was under 'my' name cause I was next to you

Jesse: yeah, probably


Jesse: can you put that drink under Jesse

Person: sure

Shady: *collects drink* they did it again

Jesse: whatever


Shady: *on laptop* Jesse, your name has a red swiggly line underneath

Jesse: *walks over to see Shady clicking it and then correcting it to the wrong spelling* you dumbashe that isn't how you spell my name and you know it!

Shady: but the computer said your name was wrong

Jesse; that's It
*Cracks knuckles*

Shady: AH-

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