Touring the squad

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Shady: *with mic* here is Lia and James in their natural habitat with Amber and Cerya's, they all seem to be watching some anime and eating cookies with... potato chips?

Lia: stop talking you're destroying the movie

Shady: *walks off to where Alex is* here we are seeing Alex roasting almost everyone on the internet while trying to invent a machine to get create DNA out of thin air for some odd reason

Alex: I'm concentrating, go away

Shady: mean *walks off to where Finn and Darya are arguing over the steering wheel in the car cause Darya is finally learning how to drive* here we are seeing the usual two siblings fighting as alway-

Darya: SADIE!

Shady: *runs off at lightning speed to ebony and Ansel* here we are with the love birds and one of the best ships, as you can see they are both cuddled up while watching- HEY WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING?!

Ebony: Frankenstein

Shady: yeah that, would you like me to leave-

Ansel: yea

Shady: *Walks off to see Aqua and Aiden near the dam* Oooh, this is a ship that people also ship. You are very lucky to see this, it's a beautiful moment-

Aqua: shady what are you doing here?

Shady: NOTHING! *runs off to the infirmary hoping to be hidden from everyone only to find hemlock doing some experiments* here is the wise hemlock, here he is doing some experiments to better the human kind with his adorable snakes-

Hemlock: Shady, can you leave me alone. I'm working

Shady: sorry *walks out to see hawk and Dane with Albert* hey hey! How is my favourite Nephew doing?!

Albert: Great *dabs*

Hawk: why did you teach him that

Shady: why not teach him that?

Dane: that is a good question-

Shady: do you want me to baby sit Albert-

Dane/Hawk: NO!

Shady: okay! See y'a folks *walks off to find Aziel* here we have Aziel, I honestly don't know what he is doing- is he like playing a game of uno against himself- I'm confused viewers. Well let's go try find our last member we will be looking for- and I forgot they're not at camp cause they sorta speeded out. Alan. Anyway, THAT IS YOUR TOUR! Bye!

Parker: *runs up* don't forget about me!!

Shady: oh yes! And little Parker!

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