Dead Bird (not dead mum)

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Ebony: *Places turkey on the dining table* Eat up 

Shady: *Appears out of nowhere and is peeking at the bird a bit from the table* Dead Bird! *Jumps up with teary eyes and looking at the turkey sadly* dead Turkey Bird! Incapable of flying *Scrunches her fists up with tears flowing down her cheeks* Oh, the sound you made when dying. Was the saddest noise I've heard!!!!!!!! *Hitting the table with her fist, then stands up straight and saluting to the bird* Noble bird you gave your life we thank you for your sacrifice! *Sits on the table eagerly, wipes her tears and grabs her knife and fork before looking at the turkey with a crazy smile* Gonna eat your face with secret spice. Dead Bird!

Alex: ... Okay, someone explains why she's acting like she is high 

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