What's your favourite IDEA

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Shady: What's your favourite idea? *Points to self* Mine is being creative

Lia: How do you get that idea

Shady: I just try to think creatively, now when you see this orange. Tell me please, what do you see? *Shows and orange*

Hemlock: It's just a boring old orange *looking closely*

Shady: maybe to you *Points to hemlock then to herself* but not to me. I see a silly face! 

Lia: Wow *claps in excitement*

Shady: Walking along and smiling at me *Looking at the orange with a crazy look*

Hemlock: I don't see what you mean *looking at her concerned*

Shady: Cause you're not thinking creatively... So take a look at my hair *Flicks hair* 

Lia: Cool!!!!

Shady: I use my hair to express myself *Plays with her hair*

Alan: That sounds boring

Shady: *Streams of tears come out of her face while she smiles* I use my hair to express myself

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