the birth

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                        Aoba's pov~
As I'm ready to push I start to breathe in and out and granny clips my bangs back and puts a cool damp rag on my forehead. "Alright aoba try to breathe in and out and then push" I quickly do as she says I push legs and myself up. "N-ng! It hurts! I can't do it!" Ren comes in the room with a glass of water and puts it to my lips.
"Come on aoba you can do it" Ren smiles and I take a sip out of the water and lay back down. Ren puts the damp dry rag in the bucket again and ring it out as I watch him then he puts puts it on my head.

"Okay aoba just push until your out of breath." I nod to her and push my legs and myself up again and I can feel something big inside me stretching me out. "R-ren! I c-cant it hurts to much!" "Aoba don't say that your okay" Ren says to me while smiling.

6 hours......six agonizing hours of pushing, screaming, and yelling.

I was laying there tired and relieved. After a minute I felt something squirm under me and I could hear them cry....I could hear those tiny cries I shortly open my eyes since I haven't in the last hour the light of the room hitting my eyes. It all looked blurry and the sounds are muffled. I can see Ren looking another direction and then back to me. "Aoba...." Ren says to me and I could see that smile from my blurry vision and I could still hear those tiny cries...

It's finally over....

Ren and aoba's daily life togetherWhere stories live. Discover now