a year later~

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                        Aoba's pov~
It's almost rei's birthday and I'm quite excited too since he's going to be turning one years old! He can't really talk still it's just baby noises.

My son.....born on April 24th.....
He's a shy but happy baby.
He weighs only 4 pounds now. He's a tiny baby and he's so adorable.

One day It was my day off and I could spend time with Ren and rei today.
Ren is taking a nap on the couch and rei is crawling around. (idk if a one year old is able to walk at the age or they can still crawl)

Rei crawled in the kitchen I could tell because I can hear him. I look over my shoulder and see him crawl out of the kitchen so I turn back to what I was doing.

Rei has fully grown hair now similar to rens. (His hair is like in the picture above right now)
I start to look for something to cook for dinner and I get some of the leftover noodles from yesterday since there was a lot left. I take it out of the fridge and put it in the microwave.

Once it was done I take it out and make bowls for me and Ren.
I set them at the table and hear s thump.
I turn and see that rei bumped into the table.
He starts to tear up and whine. "•^•"
I quickly go up and pick him up and pet his head rocking him. "Hey hey it's okay.......the pain will go away baby..."
I smile seeing he's calming down.

It's dinner time for him then I go up to Ren and shake him gently. "Ren.......dinners done..." I smile and put my hand on his cheek. Rei reaches up for his face and touches it making baby noises.

I sit rei in front of his face and he keeps touching his hair and face.
"Da......." Rei says and tears up again.
"Huh.....what's wrong rei?"
Before I could even finish my sentence he starts crying. "Dada!"
"Dada!" He shakes rens head alittle with his tiny arms trying to wake him up.

Ren opens his eyes and looks at him. "hey I'm okay don't worry daddy is alright." Ren says while petting his head.

After a few minutes I put him in his baby chair and smile. "Are you ready for dinner baby?" I smile as a look at his baby foods "hmm what flavor for tonight..."

I say and reach the one that says squash and ocrea.
I get the baby spoon and go up to him.
"Here comes the choo choo train!"
He opens his mouth and feed him.

An hour later after I get out of the shower I go to our room. I put rei's crib in our room so it would be easier for us to get him if he cries.

He's laying in his crib sleeping and I smile picking him up. Only 4 more days until his birthday. I can't wait for him to turn one.....

Ren and aoba's daily life togetherWhere stories live. Discover now