when im home alone pt.2

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                       Rens pov~
I finish changing rei and put on a new diaper. "There we go" I pick him up and cradle him in my arms with his head on my shoulder.

He has his arms up to his chest and is smiling. He looks at me and coos. "You little precious beanie baby" I chuckle and go into the kitchen. "Would you like Mama's milk or regular milk?"

He smiles when I say aoba's milk because he loved aoba's milk that he produced from his own body.
"I knew you want his milk come on I'll make it for you" I smile and make him a bottle. And put the nipple to his lips. He instantly put it in his mouth and started drinking.

He drank half of the bottle before stopping. "Oh your done that quickly? If you drink the whole thing you'll become a strong little pup!" I take the bottle away and lay him on my shoulder to burp him and he does.

"Ah there we go" when he stops I take him off my shoulder and his diaper felt heavy.
"Ah you need a diaper change don't you?" I say as I put him on the changing table and took off his diaper and cleaned him.
"Ah where did I put the diaper I go to the other table and see the diaper stack when I heard him baby talk. "I'm almost there just a second...."
"D......da.....dada...." I stop and freeze for a second did he just say me name. I turn around looking at him.
"Did you say dada! You said my name oh I'm so happy!" I put the diaper on him and lay him carefully down in his crib.

The rest of the day was pleasant.....

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