my love for you is eternal~

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                          Rens pov~
" what's his name going to be?" I ask him while smiling.

"I thought we were planning on naming him rei"
"Oh that would be perfect. (If y'all would like a different name just comment it) Aoba lays his head on my shoulder.

"Welcome to the world rei seragaki..."

He says while holding him and then looking at me. "He's so beautiful." Aoba says and looks at me and I look at him and kiss him softly and he kisses back. I start to hear my son whine like he's about to cry. "What's wrong rei?" Aoba says while gently rocking him. Rei starts crying and I get alittle worried not knowing what to do. "He might be hungry" aoba says smiling and pulling the robe down off of his shoulder and puts rei up to his chest. A moment later rei finds his nipple and starts sucking on it. "He was just hungry Ren." Aoba closes his eyes and he's still smiling while feeding him. After half and our rei let's go.

"Your done already huh? Aoba." I look to my side seeing that he fell asleep and I pick up rei. "I guess I need to burp you since I heard that you need to do that after feeding a baby." I lay rei on me where his head is in my shoulder and pat his back. A few seconds later I hear him burp. "There we go..." I smile and keep patting his back and hear him burp again. When he's done I gently take him off my shoulder. And wrap him neatly back in his blanket. "Such a cute little puppy you are."

Later I become tired and yawn. "You made me tired." I smile and start to drift off. "I guess your.. cuteness made me........sleepy" I soon close my eyes and fall asleep.

I had a great dream....

Ren and aoba's daily life togetherWhere stories live. Discover now