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Jim Gordon's P.O.V.

~two days later~

I sit at my desk, clicking a pen over and over as my thoughts once again drift to the girl who's been on my mind for the last two days. I've met a few kids who live on the streets, but she was different. There's this...look in her eyes. It almost scares me. It's like she's hiding something from herself, as well as everyone else. No one I've asked about her has told me anything, except for one person.

I don't even remember his name or what he looked like, but he was the only person who could give me anything on her. He didn't know her name, but he said he'd gotten in a fight with her the previous day, which was the day she'd stolen my wallet. He said she'd been around for three years, and that while he didn't know her name, almost everyone on the streets knew she was one of the best fighters in the city.

"Hey!" I'm brought out of my thoughts by Harvey throwing a crumpled piece of paper at me and hitting me in the head. "You zoned out again." I sigh.

"Yeah," I say. "Sorry."

"What've you been thinking about the past two days? It's like you ain't even here." I sigh.

"What do you know about the street scene here?" He shrugs.

"That depends on what parts you're talking about." I think about how to word my thoughts.

"I'm looking for someone," I say. "A kid." He tilts his head in confusion.

"What do you know?" I shrug.

"She's...young. Pretty tall, maybe 5'5". Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes. Wears glasses sometimes." He scoffs.

"You're gonna have to give me a little more than that if you wanna find her." I think back to what the man had said.

"She's been here three years," I say. "Apparently, she's one of the best fighters in the city. Almost everyone on the streets knows who she is, but only one person would tell me anything." He nods.

"Well, you wanna find Cassidy Alexandra." I nod. "Warning though...she's damn near impossible to find. No one knows where she goes. She's been caught a couple times, but she always gets away. Should be a file on her." I mutter a quick thanks and head to the record room. I slowly push open the door and walk up to Miss Kringle.

"Can I help you?" she asks. I nod.

"I'm looking for anything we have on Cassidy Alexandra." She nods and walks over to one of the cabinets and pulls out a fairly thin file.

"It's not much, but this is what we've got." I thank her and walk back to my desk.

"That is..." Harvey pauses. "Not much." I shake my head as I sit down and start going through the file. "Whatcha got?" I let out a long exhausted breath.

"Not much. She was in and out of foster homes until she was twelve, and then she just disappeared. Fits the timeline that she's been here for three years, at least." He nods. "Says here Alexandra is her middle name, not her last name. She went from family to family so many times she ended up just ditching the idea of a last name."

"Not a bad idea, gotta say. She has so many different last names, it just reminds her that none of them are her real family." I nod. "Nothing about where she lives?" I shake my head.

"No, nothing." I think. "What about bait?" He tilts his head in confusion again. "She stole my wallet, then when I found her later she was eating stolen food." I smirk. "She said she likes to gamble. So...we just make a trap. Leave out something for her to take and wait for her." He shakes his head.

"She'll never fall for it." I shrug.

"Can't hurt to try, can it?"

Cassidy's P.O.V.

As I finish the glass of...whatever it is, I don't actually know, I look over at Fish. She's talking about possibly giving me a new look to make me more...respectable looking. And by that she means terrifying and memorable.

"We'll have to see about your colors, but personally I love the gold look on you," she says. "Maybe some black instead of brown, but I think for now, people know what you look like. Until we find something a little more bold, you should just stick with this." I nod.

"Alright, well, this has been fun," I say, "but I gotta head out."

"Really?" she asks. "Have somewhere to be?" I shrug.

"You never know," I tell her. "I could be missing something super important as we speak." She smiles.

"Well, I'll have Oswald take you wherever you need to go." I sigh but nod. There's no way I'll be able to win an argument with her. Oswald walks over, and we head out.

"Where are you going today?" he asks. I think about it.

"How about...Arkham Bridge." He looks at me in confusion.

"Arkham Bridge?" he asks. I nod. "Why would you want to go there?" I shrug.

"Why not?" He smiles at my logic.

"I'm not sure I will ever understand your logic." I smirk.

"That's because there is no method to the madness," I say. "I do what I please." He laughs lightly.

"That you definitely do." We continue to engage in playful chatter until we reach the bridge. "Well, Cass, this is where I leave you." I smile at the name. Though it's only been two days since we'd met, Oswald is probably the closest friend I've had since I was eight. It's like he's...the brother I never had. And I've had a lot of brothers. At least five, none of them actually related to each other. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Take care of yourself, Cass," he whispers in my ear. "I don't want you getting hurt out here." I nod into his shoulder and step back.

"You too," I tell him. He smiles and heads back to Fish's.

I do not own Gotham or its characters. I do however own Cassidy Alexandra, Ice, Gracelyn Ventura, and their plot, so don't steal. It's not nice.

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