Pilot IV

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I walk in the door to the station and look around for Jim and Harvey. As I look, a young cop walks up to me.

"Cassie," he says. "Looking for your dad?" I nod, and he points to the top floor, where Jim and Harvey are arguing about something. I smile at the cop and run up the two sets of stairs.

"Lackadaisical," Harvey says as I walk over. "Hmm." Jim looks over at me.

"Cassie," he says. "There you are." I nod and lean against one of the supports by the table, a few feet away from where they're standing, and pull my book out of my bag.

"Hey," Harvey says, nodding to me. I look up and see a tall guy walking over.

"How you doing?" the guy asks. He doesn't wait for an answer. "Guess what this is." Harvey shakes his head.

"Just tell me, Ed," he says. "I want riddles, I'll read the funny pages." The guy, 'Ed', sighs.

"It's a .45 caliber," he tells him. "Came out of Thomas Wayne's chest." Jim walks over to them.

"That's a six dollar bullet," he says. Ed nods.

"Uh-huh. What kind of gun-"

"Ah-ah-ah." Harvey cuts him off. "Don't ask, just tell." Ed sighs again.

"It's from a pistol not known by our database. No prints either." Harvey sighs.

"What else you got?"

"What's nowhere but everywhere except where something is?" I look up at them. "Nothing," I say with no hesitation. He smiles and nods as Harvey picks up his jacket.

"You need professional help, Nygma," he says. Jim grabs his arm and starts to pull him away, motioning for me to follow. "Seriously." Jim nods.

"Let's go." We walk out of the building and towards Jim's car. I swing my backpack over my shoulders.

"So I'm thinking," Jim says, "our man wears shiny shoes, uses high-end ammo, and nobody on the street knows who he is? Maybe he's not from the street." We stop as Harvey looks at Jim.

"Like, a debonair playboy robber does it for kicks?" Jim nods. "Who would pretend to be a street robber, huh?"

"A professional killer, or somebody with a personal grudge against the Waynes."

"How'd this professional know the Waynes would come down that alley?" I ask. They look over at me, probably surprised I said anything. Jim shrugs.

"Good question." He pulls his keys out of his pockets as we walk over to his car.

"Essen said we don't catch a break in the first 48, go see Fish Mooney," Harvey says. I freeze with my hand on the door handle. Jim looks at me.

"You alright?" he asks. I glance at him before looking at Harvey.

"Fish Mooney?" I ask. "Works for Carmine Falcone?" He looks at Jim, then back at me.

"Her. Theater district's her turf. Anything happens there, she hears about it."

"How do you know who Fish Mooney is?" Jim asks. I look at him.

"I lived on the streets for three years," I tell him. "Everyone knows who Fish Mooney is." He nods and looks back at Harvey.

"Why didn't we come to her first?" he asks him. Harvey winces.

"She's kind of a last resort." The whole way to Fish's, I'm shaking. I'm just hoping and praying that she won't say anything that'll give me away. I mean, she gave me a whole new outfit just so no one would know we were working together, so I don't think she'll slip up. Well, here's to hoping. *holds up invisible shot*

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