The Balloonman I

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I'm getting real tired of starting chapters like this, but I am once again in a fight with, guess who, Tony Murray, and Allie wasn't there to stop me. Students' cheers flood my ears as I shove him into the lockers. I punch him in the face over and over before he builds the strength to push me into the wall across the hall. My head snaps back into the concrete blocks, and I cry out. I look at Tony, and he punches me in the face. Hot red blood drips out of the corner of my mouth, and I lick it off my lips. I grin menacingly up at him, and he looks confused before I headbutt him, knocking him backwards. I grab his shoulders and knee him in the stomach. When he leans over in pain, I elbow him in the back, making him fall to the ground. He pushes himself up off the floor and holds a hand under his nose as I walk away, spitting blood into the trash can.

"You can't keep defending him, Gordon!" Tony yells after me. "You're just lying to yourself!" I grit my teeth and keep walking out of the building, grabbing my backpack off the floor on my way. When I get outside, Jerome is leaning on a tree by the road, and I walk over.

"What're you doing here?" I ask, smiling. He shrugs.

"Just wanted to come see my girl." I look down at my shirt, seeing the drops of blood that must've dripped onto it.

"Aw, damn it," I say. "I loved this shirt." He notices the blood and bruises on my face.

"Was it Tony again?" I frown and nod. "What was it this time?" I sigh and look back toward the building.

"He said you were a worthless freak," I tell him. "Every time he makes fun of you, it just makes me lash out. I can't help it." He nods and places a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't want you to keep getting in fights because of me." I shake my head.

"Jerome, I will never stop getting in fights if it means that people leave you alone." He smiles and kisses the top of my head.

"Come on," he says. "Let's go." I nod, and he takes my hand, leading me away from the school. "Do you have to go to the station today?" I sigh and nod. He looks at me with puppy dog eyes. "Why?" I chuckle and smile.

"I have to help my dad out with a kid," I say. He stops pouting and instead bears a look of confusion, making me laugh. "Something for a case. Someone I...sort of know said she saw someone he's trying to find, so he asked me to come along to make sure she stays in line." He nods.

"When you say you 'sort of know her...'" He trails off, and I chuckle.

"I met her before I got adopted," I tell him. "She saw a fight I got in and followed me home. Don't really know why, but she was just asking me questions. I got annoyed and told her to leave." He nods. "Then, when I got taken by the creepy lady with the pen, she was there too. When I woke up." He squeezes my hand at the thought of the time I was kidnapped. I look up at him and smile. "She saved my life. I got cut by one of the...guards, I guess, and she helped me get out. Well, long enough for the police to find us, at least." He nods.

"So you're friends?" I shrug.

"I'd say so, but I'm not sure she would." He laughs.

"Well, either way, you can tell her thank you for me." I look up at him as we stop in front of the station.

"What for?" He smiles.

"For saving my girlfriend's life." I smile, and he kisses me softly. "Go on. Don't want you to get yelled at for being late." I smile and run up the stairs to the GCPD. Pushing the door open, I look around for Jim or Selina. I spot the former sitting at his desk and walk over.

"'Sup, Jimbo?" I ask as I walk up. I look at Harvey. "Leprechaun." He rolls his eyes, and Jim looks up at me.

"There you are," he says. "I was worried you'd be late." He frowns when he sees my face (the injuries, not just my face in general). "Not again." I sigh and nod. "Who was it this time?" I frown.

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