The Balloonman II

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Guys, I'm super super super sorry I haven't posted in a long time. Things have been kinda crazy with school starting back and I just got into a new show, so I've been a little preoccupied, but I apparently had already written this chapter and just didn't post it for whatever reason. Anyway, here it is! 💛💛

On the way back to the station, Jim tries to ask me about Selina--what I know about her, where she likes to go, etc.--but to no avail. I honestly don't know that much about her. I doubt anyone does. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket as Jim pulls his out to call...someone. I pull my phone out of my pocket to see a message from Jerome. Can't wait for tonight ;) I grin. Me and Jerome had come up with a plan to meet up tonight so I could show him around Gotham since he's never really been into the city.

"Yeah," Jim says into his phone, "well, I'm not happy about it either." He closes the phone angrily as we run up the stairs.

"On edge, Gordon?" we hear. We look back to see a tall black man and a tan woman running up behind us. I look at them suspiciously.

"I'm fine," Jim says. "How can I help you?" They smirk.

"We were just, uh, wondering," the man says, "when you shot Cobblepot in the head and dumped his body in the river, did Falcone pay you?" Jim freezes and glances down at me before looking back at them. "Or was that more of a "favor to the don" type thing?" My interest has peaked, and I try hard not to widen my eyes as I look at Jim.

"Whatever you heard, it's not true." The girl smirks.

"Oh, so you mean you didn't kill Cobblepot? Or you didn't do it for Falcone?" The man nods. What are they talking about? What about Oswald?

"We thought we'd give you a chance to tell us the truth," the man says. "Cop to cop." Jim shakes his head.

"You're not listening," he says. "I didn't kill him."

"Okay," the woman says. "So where were you on the night of September the 17th?" Jim glances to me again, visibly agitated.

"Are you really asking me this?" he asks them. "Since when did Major Crimes become I.A.?"

"When cops started doing hits for the mob." Jim sighs.

"Yeah? Well, come back to me when you have actual proof. Until then, don't waste my time, and don't say anything at all in front of my kid." He wraps an arm around my shoulders and steers me away from the two.

"Hey, Gordon, piece of advice: Take a shower. 'Cause you stink like a sewer." As Jim pulls me inside the station, I stop and he looks back at me.


"What were they talking about?" He sighs.

"They...they think I did something I didn't do."


"One of the people working for Fish Mooney disappeared, and they for some reason think I killed him." I frown.

"And you didn't?" He shakes his head.

"Do you actually think I would?" I look him in the eye and am surprised. He looks almost desperate, and I shake my head.

"No," I say. "No, I don't." He lets out a relieved sigh and nods.

"Hey, you wanna head home?" he asks. "I think I might be here a while." I nod, and he kisses the top of my head before walking off. I sigh and head out, taking the long way back to the apartment. Barbara's still at work too, so I start looking through my closet for tonight.

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