A Hunters Anger

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Hey folks, so this chapter I'll go over the hunters and how their characterized a little more. So to put it simply their put into either one of the two groups with the classes below.

Combatant Hunter- These Hunters are ones that normally face the field work and battle mythical beasts. They face the dangers themselves and rely on information from their comrade to fight and their assistance with their gear. They are the brawn of the team.

Intelligence Hunter- As the name describes, these Hunters are ones that solely use their skills as informants and tactical work. Their job is to maintain their partners gear and create intelligence reports with what their partner finds with them rarely seeing the field of battle themselves. They are the brains of the team.

Hunter classes- Hunters are derived into one of three classes. First, Second, or Third class. Third class Hunters learn under a First class with them going on assignments their mentor gives them. Their normally rookies when it comes to this work. Second class Hunters start getting information from the Hunter board itself and goes wherever their needed like a freelance worker so to speak. First class Hunters are ones in charge of specific areas and call shots in that zone on their own. To achieve a higher class, one must get 3 recommendations from one of the class they wish to join, or one of the next class above the desired class.

Hunter Partners- Hunters will regularly work in teams of two at the bare minimum. These teams always have one hunter from each category. It will be extremely rare for you to find a team without at least one Combatant or Intelligence Hunter in it. That being said, the only times they will be allowed is through special authorization that is almost impossible from the board themselves.

Now that that's done, lets begin.

Flashback 10 years ago 3rd person POV:

The night sky of a countryside was lit red one night. As the sky would normally be littered with stars, it was clouded by thick black smoke. In a small town near it's outskirts, the local church and orphanage had been set on fire. The screams of nearly a dozen children as well as the pastier and sister in charge of guiding them could be heard from within. The only members of this church that were not inside were two children. One boy with black hair, and a girl with blond. They stand outside helpless as they hear the screams of the people they called their family burn alive with a dark figures. One had been a disgustingly misshapen beast that had took orders from another being in a robe. The girl was shaking in fear hearing their loved ones die, while the boy glared at the two unknown beings with hatred. "I will never forgive you! I'll find you and make you pay! YOU HEAR ME!? YOU'LL PAY!"

Back to present Tamaki POV:

"Tamaki. It's time to get up." I start waking up from my dream to Mel knocking on my door. "Hurry up or we'll be late." "I'm up." I get up and groggily head to my uniform for the school we will be in. Once changed, I head downstairs to see breakfast made. "Thanks Mel." I sit down to start eating. "You remember your alias while were here?" "Yeah, were exchanged students from Europe here to learn of Japan's culture." Me and Mel were placed in this town to learn under a First class Hunter team of Ningen Monsuta and his Intelligence partner Kurutta Kyojin. I was hoping to learn under these two since they were in the area of our home 10 years ago and might've seen something. "So you said the one witch looked our age? The one from yesterday." "Yeah. She had blue long hair with a rather uh, *ahem* attractive figure. If she wasn't an enemy, I'd say she looked cute." "Cuter than me?" Mel gave me her puppy dog look as a joke. "Please. Like I'd fall for a monster." I take a sip of coffee before we kept talking.

Meanwhile with Izuku's group, Izuku POV:

"An orb?" "Yeah. This Hunter did something with this freaky looking orb and I began to lose my mind." "It was fucked up, is what it was." Jairo's second head states this while using her hair to eat some of the food on her plate. "What did the orb look like?" "Uhh, kinda green with a glow to it. Had a chunk out of it with some weird claw wrapped around it." I think back on the orb that was pulled out of me to clench my fists in anger. "We knew he was using it on others when we met Tsu. This just proves our point." "I know, but for what reason? And why use beings like Hequets, Dryads, and futakuchi-onnas for it,most have very little magic to begin with." "Maybe he was testing with us?" Ibara says this with all of us still confused why. "Wouldn't he be able to do the same thing with any magic?" "Hmm, maybe Izuku's has special properties or something?" Nemuri and Ryuko question this with everyone else still drawing a blank.

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