Chapter 1

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The town of Ravenswood is not like how all those other stupid stories make out towns to be. It's not a small town, it's a big one, and not everyone knows each other. The only people who know each other are the kids and that's because they've grown up together in school. Oh, and the town is Grand Central Station for the supernatural. Not that anybody knows it, of course.

Apparently years ago, Ravenswood was where the first supernatural creatures settled. Now all supernatural creatures tend to end up here in this town. But nobody notices, except the few vampire hunters. But even they don't know the full extent of Ravenswood.

I'm getting ahead of myself. I haven't even told you the full story yet. Alright, let me back up. I'll start with the last week when everything was normal. That is, before I became a hybrid. Let me take you back to the end of October, or as I like to call it, the end of my human life.


I would love to tell you I woke up bright and early that day before the last day of my human life. Truth is, I didn't get up until I absolutely had to.

I rolled out of bed once my alarm rang for the fifth time and got dressed in jeans and a hoodie. No sense in dressing cute when I'm not.

I ran a brush through my slightly wavy dark auburn hair and put on my regular black framed glasses that hid my blue eyes. I hate my glasses, but I have to wear them. It sucks.

After doing the usual morning routine, I got in my sisters car and we drove to school.

I completely forgot to tell you about my family. I have an older sister who's in college, a step brother who's in elementary school but thinks he's in high school, a dad who's almost always gone, and a step mother that would put Cinderella's to shame. Yeah, my home life sucks. I like to pretend it doesn't exist.

"Here ya go, little sis," my sister, Atalia, said. She had curly dark brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. I like to pretend she's Mexican and apparently so does my dad since he named her Atalia.

"Thanks," I said under my breath and got out of the car. I really hate spending even a minute with my family. All they do is hate on me.

I slammed the door closed before she could say another word and walked towards the school. I walked inside and put my backpack in the health room where I had first hour. I then walked into the commons, aka the cafeteria.

I sat down at the usual table and waited for my best friend Joie to come. She'd probably show up with this girl Leah, but I didn't really care. I don't care if Joie has another best friend as long as I am one of them.

I plugged in my headphones and began jamming out to some ACDC. I really do love that band. It brings me so much joy.

I was too busy jamming out to Back In Black that I didn't hear Joie come up behind me until I was suddenly being tackled.

"Tylie!" I heard Joie's excited yell, even with my headphones in and music blasting. Tylie is the nickname she gave me and I only let her call me that.

"Hey there, J Lockhart," I said, pulling out one ear phone.

"How are you," she said, sitting next to me.

"Fine, and you?" I asked.

"Just dandy."

I looked around and frowned when I didn't see Leah. "Where's Leah?"

"Oh, she has a dentist appointment today," Joie said.

"Oh," I said, and Joie nodded.

Let me tell you a little bit about Joie. She is gorgeous, has long black hair that sometimes looks like it has a bluish tint to it, dark brown eyes, tattoos all over her skin that look awesome, and she's a bit of a rocker. She sings, plays guitar, and is the best person you will ever meet. She loves everyone and wants everyone to be happy, which causes her to be lovable. If you don't have a best friend like Joie I suggest you find one right now, otherwise you are seriously missing out.

"Come with me to the health room," Joie said.

I nodded and got up. We walked to the health room, talking and laughing about random things. That's us for ya. We are probably the two randomest people you will ever meet and if you put us together in a room I can guarantee you we will try to out-weird each other.

Anyway, we were about to turn into the health room when we ran into Dylan Davidson, my long-term crush. Now this isn't the classic loner-girl-likes-most-popular-guy-in-school-who-doesn't-even-know-she-exists cliché. Dylan is athletic so he's considered popular, but he doesn't act like it. He's nice, funny, sarcastic, weird, and basically your average class clown but a lot nicer, and he's hot with his messy brown hair and bright blue eyes. And I've had a crush on him since 8 grade.

I smiled when I saw him, since we are friends. He even sits with me and Joie at lunch, so I'm not really embarrassed about my crush on him.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he said, smiling as well.

"What are you doing here?" I asked since he didn't have health first hour like me and Joie. You can imagine the hell we put the teacher through. Hey, she can either put me next to my best friend and I'll whisper quietly to her or you can put us across the room from each other and I'll yell to her. It's her choice.

"I don't really know," he said, laughing.

"Nice," I said.

"Come on," Joie said, dragging me into the health room.

"Why are you in such a hurry, J Lockhart?" I asked, laughing.

"Cuz I wanna stare at Obsession," she said.

I laughed. Obsession was the nickname we gave her crush, Cameron Grant. She likes to stare at him and admire him from afar, but she's socially awkward so she never talks to him. There's your high school romance cliché you were looking for.

"Just talk to him, dude," I said as she sat her backpack down in her seat.

"You know I'm socially awkward," Joie said. "But he's just so beautiful. I mean, have you seen his face?"

I laughed and shook my head as we walked out. "You're messed up, dude."

"You're friends with me," she reminded me.

"I know," I said and casually glanced around to see if Dylan was still there. Sadly, he was not.

We walked back to the commons and talked with our other friends. This is how it always went. The same thing. I never knew how much change would make you want the same thing until I became a hybrid. Once you become a hybrid, you'd do anything to get your old life back. But for me, it was a different case. An entirely different case.

A/N: hey guys, sooo here's a new story I thought of! Not sure how it's gonna go but tell me whatcha think so far!! Comment and vote if ya enjoyed!!!!! Pic is of the human Tyler played by Sofia Wilhelmina, I'll put the cast up sometime later this week.

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