Note for my readers

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Hi sorry I haven't updated recently. I am finding it hard to just sit down and write. I don't know where this story is going. And I have a life outside of this story (not to say its super interesting lol but I do have one) dont know why it was in a different text lmao. Anyway I also cant write from experience of course. I dont think I would ever be into doing that kind of thing. Me personally I just like to read about it. I would totally support someone, that is if I actually knew someone lol. Ugggh I should probably take that out. Buuuuut I wont, I have to be idk. So lets see probably no one reads this far. Look im a junior in high school meaning I actually have to do well so if im focused on school and not so much writing on wattpad. Ufhfhfhbs akqn i have no idea where im going with this. Whatever this is mainly to say sorry and please keep reading and waiting uhhh yea bye

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