8 Hiatus didn't work out lol (2nd try)

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(Apparently this is part 8)

Hunter got home and I went to him. (This sentence is bad but its 1 AM) "Hunter I have to talk to you about something." "What is it Lila?" "Let's go somewhere where Luca can't hear" "Okay..." Once we got out of Luca's earshot ((a place where he can't hear them (why am I explaining this...)) I told him about what had happened. He was not happy about it, and it was visible.
Hunter started to pace heavily toward Luca, when I grabbed him by the arm stopping him, "Don't be too mean" I whispered (hissed? Idk) He just rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, I know. But he needs to know that that kind of behavior is unacceptable." And with that I let go of his arm, and watched him walk toward Luca. I quickly decided to follow him in order to see what he is going to say to Luca. Luca might have been behaving badly, but that doesn't mean I don't worry about him as his older sister. I get protective of him at times even though he can be extremely annoying at times. Even when it involves our older brother, I don't like to see him cry. I'm watching them when I hear Hunter start to reprimand Luca "You don't disobey your sister like that." "But I wanted to watch something else..." Luca said trailing off at the end. "You should have just called Lila and asked for her to change the channel. But you decided to sneak out of your playpen and change it yourself, which landed you in the corner." At this point Luca was starting to tear up, and I started to feel really bad for him. But I knew he had to be punished or else he wouldn't learn. There won't always be someone there to rescue him, and he needs to be prepared for that. Of course me and Hunter will always eventually comfort him. He's important to us, why wouldn't we?
Finally Luca started to cry and I left him for a bit, however my heart was really starting to hurt for my little brother. I go over after a minute of his crying and pick him up. He opened his eyes to see who it was, when he saw me he immediately latched onto me. His arms around my neck and face wetting my shoulder/neck. He chokes out "Im really sorry Lila." "I know it's okay. You're okay." I tell him while bouncing him up oand down on my hip, hoping to calm him down. Once his tears start to stop I carry him to his room setting him down in bed to take a nap. But when I'm about to turn around to leave Luca grabs my arm. I look at him and ask "What is it buddy?" "Can...can you stay with me for a bit?" He asked meekly. "Of course, only for my baby brother." Adding baby brother because I know he is too tired to protest the nickname.

Hunter's PoV
Lila just went to put Luca down for a nap, so I went to the kitchen to unpack the stuff from the store (I'll just say it was a grocery store). I was slightly saddened by hearing Luca cry but I was still a bit annoyed by him for getting out of his playpen. It was almost noon so I started to prepare lunch. It was mac n' cheese. I made it homemade (can't be mentioning real life brands lmfao). An hour later I was almost done cooking, so I went upthe stairs and down the hall to Luca's room. I shook him awake gently in hopes he would get up easier and won't be too grumpy. "Luca baby wake up. It's time for dinner." "He opened his eyes to see me. Then immediately hmmphed (There's not a word for this. Pouted?) and immediately turned to his side facing away from me. He was obviously annoyed that I had reprimanded him, but it was necessary and he should know that he did something wrong when he does it. "C'mon don't be like that. Please wake up I made dinner." When I received no response, I said to myself out loud in order for Luca to hear, "Hm. I guess my sweet baby brother doesn't want any mac n' cheese." Luca stiffened after hearing what was for dinner, making me smirk to myself. I continued knowing he was soon going to break and give in. "Me and Lila will just have to eat it by ourselves." At that he sat up and looked to me. "Oh, is someone ready to get up and have dinner?" His eyes shifted to the right, obviously contemplating whether he should just give in and have dinner.

(Cliffhanger hahaha does he go eat the mac n' cheese? You won't know for idk how long now that I have to make the parts longer) (The sass hahahhahahhaah)
A/n: Hope you enjoyed reading my writing process. If not, sorry I guess. I realized The transition from the swing to the playpen is lacking (completely) So I'll just say she put him in the play pen because he was bored of the swing. So took him out of the swing to put him in the playpen. Ok? ok. Do I do the cliche and have them go on vacation... Let me know. I feel like alot of people do that in their stories. And as much as I am aiming for originality. Going on vacation is not something you can claim as an original idea, now is it? No. I digress.

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