The Car Won't Start-5

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I breathed heavily looking away from the sharp tree I was hiding with,the sounds around me all screaming the same name Ticca Ticca Dom up pati.

I looked around the forest and everything was either dark or full with trees.

The irritating sound kept on following me where ever I would go, I even began to think that maybe I had gone insane but what if I hadn't.

"Ticca Ticca Dom up pati"

Not again

The sound returned but this time irritated.i stood there quietly but with heavy breathing still active

"S-son it's mom come out I want to see you" a charming voice aroused from the corners of the long trees

"S-son you don't have to be afraid anymore mommy's here now!"

M-mom! It can't be

"Son we have to go it's pretty late!"

"Son! Just come out here I want to see you!!"

This was a weird scary level of freaky. I mean I just lost my favourite sister and my only mom and now I'm in these scary woods

This is too mu-


It grabbed me it's face hideous to look at. It smelled of rotting flesh and newly devoured blood stains. It was eight feet tall and had glowing red eyes. It's face was unidentifiable and horrific with what God knows coming out.

He firmly grabbed my left shoulder and squeezed me tight. I screamed in terror and tried to run away but it's determination stood me down.

"Leave me alone-"


"Ticca Ticca Dom up pati, Ticca Ticca Dom up pati"

"Why do you keep on sa-!"

"Ticca Ticca Dom up pati!"

It repeatedly kept on shouting that specific name as if-

As if-

*Flash back*

"Ok kids gather up the campfire it's time for scary stories yeah!"counsellor Greg shouted bringing all the preteens including me in one place.

I always loved camp this was the only holiday were I would be free from everything and well meet new people.
The favourite part of camp biligwa was the camp fire horror stories.

"Everyone grab a partner and sit down it's time to begin!"counsellor Nancy yelled and I soon obeyed. I ran to Michael my best friend and the only person who kept me sane through out my life. Michael was a coloured guy with short black curly hair and he had freckles surrounding his perfectly shaped nose.

"Kids kids c'mon it's starting conor, Michael hurry!"

"Shall we"I smiled Looking at Michael

"Yess yess we shall"he smiled back and we ran to the fire.

"Okay kids this is the story of Ticca the voice less ghost.once long ago there was a man who loved singing. Everyone adored him as he was the best singer ever. Every night he would perform and people would love him always. One day after Tica performed, one of his biggest fans followed him back stage and asked for his picture and love but Ticca refused. Over come with anger she kidnapped Ticca and kept him in the now called the haunted cabin in the woods. The fan forced him to sing for her day and night in all seasons without a portion of all singers voices fade and so did his but the fan wasn't to pleased about that.she cut the singer bare open and ripped her vocal chords open trying to find what made him stupid. dissapointed she couldn't find anything she continued to scrap the skin from his skin until bones and blood and a little bit of skin left. She first laughed then cried and committed suicide and left a note and it read

Ticca lived a great life and bum up pati the foreign fan lived none they both died sadly but they will still live happily with each other. Call us Ticca Ticca Dom up pati the lovers who died in each other's hands. Some say you can still hear ticca's voice sing through these very woods.

"Ok kids time to sleep"

"That was awesome" I said to Michael

"Yep" he smiled back taking my right hand and walked with me to our cabin where we slept...

*End of flash back*

"Huh" I gasped in my own thoughts

"This must have been that man who died ages ago ticca."i thought

I looked up at the rotting flesh of a dead man and quickly looked away as he heavily stared back.

I stopped a little and watched the thing stop with me."I need to use the toilet!" I yelled at it


"Please!" I began to act pressed.

I forcefully tried to remove my hand but it's grasp became harder and it's stench became stronger


I thought for a second and looked around for a decent weapon but nothing in the forest could kill him only remove it's falling flash. At last a plan perfect, I had finally got it a perfect easy plan well not easy but really something.


The Car Wont Start! (Completed✓)Where stories live. Discover now