The Car Won't Start-12

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I was welcomed with the bright yellow light that had struck me hard in the face. It's warm Ray's began to melt my body onto the floor and I felt the need to cry as I had quickly balanced myself. A smile had begun to form on my face." I did it, I'm f-free!", "I'm finally free"I exhaled deeply as I gazed at my surroundings with a smile glued to my face.

But something was not right between me,why had I felt so bad inside, maybe it was the fact that I had left the girl and several others back at that terrible excuse of a home, each one of them waiting to be tortured somehow.

Nothing felt right anymore, The cold air around me had begun to taste like bitterness, emptiness and loneliness."should I really go back, should I risk it all for people I do not know, No I had to at least I had to try, I mean I could not leave them like that, how unkind would I be, I had to go back and save them, it was the only way. With that last thought I slowly turned around, making sure to capture the beautiful environment one last time, and what a beautiful environment it was.

I quickly ran inside the cave, my heart aching and beating heavily, slowly climbing up the pathetic excuse of stairs and stopped at the very entrance of the home, slowly taking a deep breath and whispering"here we go"


"What on the ghastly heavens are you doing here!!, I thought you left, I, I told you to leave!!"the girls voice was strained with shock and pure fear. The hallway was surprisedly filled with several figures, each one thin and suffering. They were all staring at me and exchanging a few whispers from time to time to each other.

"I came to get you and everyone else out of this dead beat home, and I'm not leaving without you" I replied staring deeply into her faded blue oceanic eyes. The girl had looked at me like I was crazy, like I was saying the impossible, quickly she turned her gaze to the floor and whispered"you don't understand, you just don't, we can't-". I interrupted her"listen I know you think it's pointless now but in the end you will be happy you escaped, you will finally get a chance to be free, to have your own say in this world, don't just give up, we will escape together".

I had only realised that my voice was loud enough when the other figures had begun to approach us even closer. I slowly gazed at them before taking in a huge breath and saying" look you are all Young, you have the chance to live your life and be free, this is the chance you were all waiting for, do not pass it up, join me in taking down Aunt Daphne once and for all!" I raised my fist in the air and that had seemed to work because the children had begun to cheer and clap their hands in excitement when a voice aroused from the growing crowd."let us join the young fellow, I'm tired of this retched place". It wasn't soon until everyone had begun to agree with the voice and people had begun to yell"our savior, the boy from tomorrow!" They shouted and clapped their hands as the cheers began to rise"our savior!!" They yelled continuously until the girl stopped them.

"Are you all crazy, down right mad, delinquents!, Aunt Daphne shall surely have our heads!"the girl yelled."we don't care!"  The voices continued,"our savior, our hero!!"."oh fine! If you want to be like this, fine! But I won't waste my time in this stupid foreplay for a disaster I want no part in it"she crossed her arms and faced away from us.

"listen"I replied to her moodiness.",I understand you are afraid but we can all help each other out here and finally be free, now you can't say no to that now can you"I smirked at her but she pushed my hand away instantly."Conor, you are a brave and caring guy but I just don't thin-" I interrupted her."thank you for joining us"."but I didn't say I'm joining yo-"."she's joining us!!" I yelled at everyone and they all cheered and I gazed back at her"you can't dissapoint that crowd now can you, just think breaking all their hearts, come on"I whispered at her."ohh fine ugh I hate you!" She hissed but I giggled in return."so how are we doing this?"she gazed at me folding her arms.

"Uhm I hadn't thought that fa-"."we're dead!!"a voice shouted from behind and people began to panick. They were right, maybe we were dead, after all I was just a kid, all I knew was to play with fire by burning papers and anything small, wait burn finally an idea!.

Suddenly I yelled out"we shall burn our way to freedom!"and the children cheered happily, I quickly stole a glance to the girl who was terrified and unsure."are you okay with our plan?" I stared at her patiently."y-yeah sure I a-am okay, it's not like a bunch of children are about to burn a huge mansion to ashes or and I don't know maybe overthrow our mistress Aunt Daphne and her friends,what could be difficult there!" She heavily stared at the floor, mumbling to herself and covering her body with her arms and cackling to herself. Weird girl.

"Wait!" The girl yelled."you can't just burn everything, obviously Aunt Daphne might see something is wrong and destroy us all, we need to do something about her and the others, I say maybe we time her up and throw her inside the naughty kids hole or shove her inside the spikes of punishment"the girl said her expression lit with anxiousness and excitement. Something about her had changed, she was more alive and much more energetic, her skin was beginning to turn to a pale cream and her oceanic eyes were much more enchanting than before.

"Everyone!" I yelled back,"grab anything flammable, grab your match sticks,your lighters,your candles,make sure it has fire and start burning everything and make sure to be extremely quiet!!, The girl, and I shall go upstairs and deal with Aunt Daphne but we might need an extra pair of hands". The room fell silent for a mere seconds until a hand was raised and a tall skinny boy with long pale blonde hair rushed over to us and screams  began to surround him. "One more thing, to keep this profssional we will give you guys a signal do you can start burning everything, uhm a signal let's see oh I know I will call out a bird sound a crow" the room was silent once more until the girl stepped in" the black meat with wings in the air"the were some oh's surrounding the room. "make sure you head for the painting that's the only way out and lastly good luck everyone, today we leave this place with a bang!!!"everyone began to cheer as they quickly scurried off.

I looked around the now almost empty hall and gazed at the girl and the blonde next to her,"right! Let's go upstairs shall we"I lit up in excitement and quickly headed for the painting, as I passed I saw that the children were hiding in plain sights but it would be very hard to see them, wow.

Now was finally the time for The Home to burn down, with Aunt Daphne and the other hags in it!.

Guys OMG I love this chapter and I enjoyed writing it a all of you who read my stories and please don't forget to vote:-)

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