The Car Won't Start-23 (END)

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"love and pain all mix along, to satisfy those who live in a prologue, we think we see, we breathe we eat, no one really lives to preach"

I was home, my original and normal home, Just as we left it. The coffee table had crumbs of cookies I was too lazy to clean and a half drank coco. The TV channel was set on the movie the hate you give, the movie I was supposed to watch with my friends. I slowly approached the TV and observed the movie.

"No justice,no peace,no racist police!"

They continued to yell, I loved that movie, everything about it was realistic and interesting, they chose the right main character. I had suddenly remembered how my friends and I are would fight over who would see Amandla Sternberg first. My tears had begun to fill up. All of this, why were we here,we did no sin and why at our house, what did he want from it.

The room was quiet, abnormally quiet, no noise from us the children who would fight for the remote or complain that the last muffin was eaten, just peace and quiet.
"Conor, hurry, go grab my towel from the down stairs gym"I heard my dad yell out. Was it possibly him, my father. My tears continued to form."dad!, I'm coming!"I wiped my tears and was about to jolt up the stairs when I saw myself walk down the stairs.

I was confused and anxious, was that me, but I was me, but if I was me then, who was him. I stared at myself as I mumbled the words"justice for Khalil. As I continued to stare at myself, I noticed myself pause. My heart sank when I noticed I was looking at myself, my eyes locked into my own."when did they put a mirror hear?"I heard my self say."I'm not a mirror"I stated and my face turned into pure fright."mom!,dad!"I ran up the stairs and vanished out of sight.

What had happened, was I looking at myself, what twisted game was this, what was HIM really up to. "Welcome home"what sounded a feline voice approached me. I quickly spun my head around and found no one there. "You really should open your eyes more". The voice, the innocence, it was all too familiar but it was impossible. Amandla Sternberg, was it really her, but how and where. "children" i heard her sigh, she wasn't in this room so where.

"Justice for Khalil"

It couldn't be, it was impossible. I quickly looked at the TV but everything was normal, just a regular movie-. The scenery stopped, everyone inside came to a fault except for Amandla. She slowly approached the surface of the TV and pressed he face to the glass. Was she looking at me, but how, it was just a movie, it couldn't be real, how ever, I did not remember this scene.

"Welcome back Conor, we missed you"

Suddenly she started banging on the glass, her fists forcefully attempting to break the surface. What happened next was disturbing and horrendous. She stopped banging and pressed her hand firmly on the glass, her hand slowly entering the glass. I watched in horror as her arm hit the ground. It was a combination of slimy and wax melting.

This procedure continued until she was half way, her waist somehow stuck."your life is over Connor, and I expect you to get out of my way"she said in an angelic voice. Was this HIM he was certainly powerful enough, who else could do that.

By now, her leg was the only thing stuck inside the TV. Her body was slimy and was oozing more goo that fell on the floor. My body was still trapped in a trance and I couldn't move and as soon as her leg plopped right to the ground she slowly attempted to stand up right, but like a new born calf, she was failings miserably.

"You and your family will pay for everything!"

She suddenly ran straight for me with almost speed causing both of us to fall right on the floor."Why are you doing this"I spat as I realised I was tackling her . "Because your family killed my daughter and you all will pay!"he pushed me to the door, my back hitting hard on it."we didn't kill your daughter!"I ran to her but I was effortlessly pushed away."enough!"she said before slowly standing up and her mouth was thrown right open and two hands appeared from underneath her throat and a head with slimy black hair rising as if she was vomiting and like a horror movie, she spit the thing right out but it was also a girl.

The Car Wont Start! (Completed✓)Where stories live. Discover now