The Car Won't Start-19

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Hey guys, so thank you for reading my story and I really appreciate it like a lot, and if you love it as much as any other person, please please please please please please VOTE! because i have realised that most of y'all don't vote.i would be happy if you would and please spread the word for this book.......thank you for reading if you did that is and please enjoy the story


As the wind grew stronger, I had realised that this had become a serious issue and kitara just added to the worry list."Conor we have to get out of here"kitara said as she moved the her hair out of her face. I was about to reply when suddenly the ground had begun to shake in a way as if it was an earthquake. Our bodies vibrated as the ground continued to shake when a thunderstorm of a voice echoed everywhere


The loud and hoarse voice was terrifying and indeed scary but why now, I mean they heard me yell I have a wish ages ago, so why-, I was interrupted by the sudden hold in my body, something was holding me and I could not move. I looked around and everything was getting darker and darker until everything was completely dark.

Suddenly I was at home lying on my bed and dressed in my pajamas. As quickly as I could,I got up and ran for the door when my room was suddenly filled with mirrors and my reflections were everywhere.

"Kitara!"I screamed but the mirrors mimicked my every move."No!" I inhaled deeply as I slowly backed away from the mirrors and hit my back on one of them. Suddenly I felt a hand grasp at me from behind the mirror and looked back to see myself pulling myself in the mirror. "HELP!" I screamed when my body was being dragged by me into a mirror."LET GO!"I shifted and turned but the other mirrors copied my exact words and them too slowly got out, still mimicking my "let go". They slowly approached me and tilted their heads with wide grins that were terrifying, what was going on, was this a nightmare, it felt real.

I began to heavily intake air as my body was pulled into the mirror and they threw me deep into the far end."PLEASE!" I yelled as they retracted out of the mirror and disappeared into the bright flash of light and my reflection appeared outside the mirror wearing a school uniform."mom, it's too big!"I supposedly yelled out and my mom appeared on the other side and smiled."you look great hun"she patted my shoulder and kissed my forehead before leaving the room.

Now was my chance, I quickly ran for the mirror and I was stopped by the hard glass in front of me."HELP!" I banged on the mirror and I looked at my self and the other more younger me other quickly screamed and ran outside the bedroom.wait, this was familiar, my mom quickly ran into the bedroom and Looked at the mirror but she did not see me.

"Hun, there's nothing there, you know what let's keep this in the basement okay"my mom said as she looked at the mirror confusingly and called dad. They looked so peaceful and happy, if only they knew what was happening to them right now.

Just as I thought everything was okay, Everything became dark and I saw kitara standing there, heavily breathing and sweating, her hands chained up to the floor and her hair damp and wet, she didn't look okay?"kitara"I said as I slowly approached her, she didn't respond."Kitara!" I yelled out louder and again she remained quiet.

Suddenly her chains broke and before I knew it she jumped right at me but it wasn't at me but one of my reflections behind me. Quickly her sharp teeth she suddenly had entered through my reflections neck and his,my body slowly stopped moving and it quickly deflated to nothing but the soggy air.

"Kitara"I studied her as she looked away from me."it's okay"she surprisingly said and she looked at me with her teeth back to normal again."just had a scary nightmare is all"she flipped her hair as she approached me."me too!, Mine was freaky"I smiled at her as she continued to look around."anything interesting"she said as she continued to look around."yeah actually i-"Suddenly a small spider dropped to the floor and hissed at us,it was black and feathery and had glowing red eyes.

"Uhm Conor,"kitara whispered,her voice shaky. "Don't look up"she whispered as she looked up."why"I said,my eyes still enforced to the spider that moved around."do you have a fear of spiders"she said this time slowly looking at me"y-yes"I whispered and quickly saw the frightened look in her face."wh-"I was interrupted."Run"she whispered but I didn't hear what she had said."what?"I said rather loudly and another spider fell on the ground, the same as the other."RUN!"she quickly yelled and something fell right on my hair. I slowly looked up and saw the most scariest thing I've seen in ages, millions of spiders all moving around on the wall on top of me.

So I did what I do best, I ran.


Spiders, they give me the creeps, I literally can't, my mom had to remove all the spiders in my current home because she knows my fear...., Fears am I please please please vote and comment.

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