The Car Won't Start-6

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I removed the black curls of my hair from my creamy skin and wiped the dead mosquito remainders left, fixed my cream shirt and tucked it in my pants whilst walking.

"Look!" I screamed.

"It's mom!" I pointed to a direction and watched the thing stare that way and i immediately grabbed the arm with both my hands and roughly removed the skin from his arm with my bare teeth

I could feel the flesh fall of as I dug deeper. I chewed and spit out any moving things and continued in until I felt the bone. I removed my face from the flesh and wiped out the disgusting flesh left on my face and grabbed the meatless hand and tried to snap it as hard as I could.

Since I was still young I wasn't strong enough to break a bone so I used both my hands to hold the arm and pulled it to the nearest tree removing some leaves. I pulled away from the arm but it still hung there.

This was the most scariest thing I had ever been through.

I began to feel my tears fall out but I wouldn't give up just like that so I held the whole arm and tried to pull the thing to the ground but luckily the whole arm fell off leaving me free and vulnerable and I did the only thing I did best


I ran away from the thing with it's arm following behind leaving the thing staring at me in awe.

I ran past a dozen trees continuously heavy breathing until my breath was beginning to fade so I stopped near a tree and crouched down sticking my head between my legs and covering them with my hands.

My leg was still painful but better than before, who knew fear heals you right up.

I continued to breath heavily as my tears immediately fell out removing some of the dirt in my face. I still couldn't believe I removed the hand of something and I was not afraid at all.

This was a traumatising event

Very traumatising.

My breathing became worse until suddenly I couldn't breathe. My breath began to run out slowly but painfully. It started from heavy breaths to not breathing at neck being crushed by thin air, I held the dark brown sand and squeezed it tightly painfully asking for help but no one came or even heard me beg.

I was about to die

Something was strangling me but what, everything was dark and leafy and i couldn't see anything. I gasped for air but still being strangled nothing was successful.

"Tsk Tsk little boy pathetic you are"

Everything suddenly became dark and my body began to become weak and immediately I fell to the cold hard ground unconscious.


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