The Erashion Sase

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It was early in the morning and Team Natsu returned from a job in Mount Hakobe. Before heading to the guild they all stop by Lucy's apartment to help her unpack.

"Natsu!" Lucy yelled angrily "What?" He said reading her letters.

Lucy sighed in embarrassment as she walked of to the door. "Ready to go to the guild?" She said as she opened the door, Natsu and Gray ran outside to the guild as Wendy, Erza, Happy, Carla and Lucy slowly walked behind them in disappointment.

"Idiots I tell ya" She sighed as they reached the guild but saw Natsu and Gray stand there.

"What's wrong?" Wendy asked in confusion
"I have a strange feeling" Natsu answered as he stared at the door.

"Whatever, let's just go in" Lucy said as she walked to the door and opened it to see the inside of the guild destroyed, everyone down and injured and master being held in a box.

"Master!!" Lucy yelled as she ran to him, "Lucy watch out!" Wendy yelled worriedly. Lucy continued to run but was hit with a blast from out of no where making her fly into a wall as she coughed in pain.

"Lucy?!" Natsu yelled as he ran to her side and helped her up.

"Who's there?!" Erza yelled angrily as she walked to the middle of the room looking around.

"Well if it isn't the great Titania" A voice echoed through the guild as it crept closer and closer until you could see a strange figure with a group behind them.

"Who are you!" Natsu shouted angrily as he stood in front of Lucy as she holds her stomach in pain as she starts to breathe heavily.

"We are the Erashion Sase, I'm Midnight, the stock I am holding is Klodoa, this is Imatatia, Racer, Eregor and this is Cobra" He said introducing themselves as a bright light shines on them.

"Well, we are Team Natsu and we are about to take you down for hurting our friends and destroying our guild" Natsu yelled angrily. Team Natsu sold in a line getting ready to fight, 3 minutes later of staring into each other's eyes they ran towards each other and fought. Lucy fought Cobra, Erza fought Racer, Wendy fought Eregor, Gray fought Imitatia and Natsu fought Midnight and Klodoa.

15 minutes later...

"There's no end" Wendy said panting as she took a deep breathe to calm her down. Everyone was so exhausted they thought of just giving up until and idea popped into Lucy's head.

'The only way we can stop them is if we seperate into different parts of Fiore, the others may not like it but we have no other choice'

"Hold on I've got an idea!" She yelled as they all huddle up "So what is it?" Gray questioned her.

"The only way we can stop them is if we split up into different parts of Fiore" She explained as she looked at Natsu as his face turned to anger to shock. Lucy immediately knew that Natsu wouldn't agree to this plan but he has to do it if he wants to stop them.

They all agreed and continued to fight but Natsu and Lucy stood there in silence staring into each other's eyes.

"No, I'm not leaving you again not like last time" He said grabbing her hand and holding it.

"I know Natsu but it's the only way to stop them"

"I just don't want to lose you and the others"


Lucy felt sorrow flow through her body as she ran to him and gave him a hug and started crying. Natsu put his hands on her waist and held her close and tighter as he also cried, holding her made him feel warm and happy but realising he had to let her go made him feel guilty.

Lucy released him and smiled as Natsu wiped his tears and hers off their faces, "Just be careful alright" He said as he gave her a smile "I will now, let's do this" She said with full determination.

"Go?!" They all yelled as they ran out of the guild splitting up, the Erashion Sase ran after them just as Lucy suspected.

Natsu turned his head to Lucy who was staring at him with eyes full of tears and a smile covering he face. Seeing that face made him feel more stronger than ever before.

Cobra followed Lucy.
Imitatia followed Gray.
Racer followed Erza.
Eregor followed Wendy.
And Midnight and Klodoa followed Natsu.

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