1 Member Of Fairy Tail Found

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Erza has travelled for hours and found no one or any sign of anyone. Erza continued to walk until she saw a blue haired girl lying there sleeping peacefully. Erza ran towards the blue girl who is snoring very peacefully.

"Wendy!!" She yelled standing behind her watching as she opens her eyes in shock to hear a familiar voice.

"Erza!" She said as she got up and turned around to see Erza smiling as tears filled her eyes.

Wendy ran to Erza and gave her a big hug as she started to cry really loudly.

It has been 10 minutes, Wendy and Erza talked for awhile on how they survived and what they've done. Wendy realised that Gray and Natsu wasn't with her, she thought she would of found them.

"Where's Gray and Natsu?" She asked as she looked around "They aren't here, I never found them" Erza sighed with disappointment.

"Well we can't just sit here while they might be in trouble" Wendy said with courage and determination.

"Yeah your right lets go find them!" She agreed with her as they run off to the west which was the direction that Gray was.

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