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It was the next morning and the 3 Fairy Tail members set off to find at least one of their comrades that day. They hadn't eaten a lot so they had to be on the lookout to see if they could find food but then it started pouring down with rain.

They tried to find the nearest cave or anything at this point to stay in until the rain cleared. As they walked a little further Wendy found a cave and ran to it while the others follow behind her.

"Nice a cave" she said excitedly as she ran around the cave "Looks like we'll camp here for the night" Gray said as he sat down on the floor. Erza smelled the cave as the others found it really weird.

"Erza?" Wendy said disgustingly as Erza continues to sniff the cave.

"Hold on, it smells like fish and fire" Erza said suspiciously but just as she figured that out they heard talking in the distance getting closer and closer by the minute.

Gray and Wendy tried to find a hiding spot while Erza already found one. Gray found a big rock to hide behind as Wendy did the same.

The chattering came closer until it stopped and the only thing you could hear were the footsteps heading into the cave. "Ahh, that was good" The strange person said to something with wings as he rubs his belly.

They stopped in the middle of the cave and looked around. The man sniffed the cave as they others feel disgusted.

"People have been here" He said as Erza made a signal to attack, Gray, Wendy and Erza yelled as they came out of their hiding spots and charged at the man who lifted his hand and set a fire around his hand so they could see.

They stopped in their place to see 2 familiar faces standing there shocked and surprised they found him.

"NATSU?!" Erza yelled shocked as Gray sighed and Wendy almost cried "ERZA!" He replied back the same way as Erza as he points to her. He looks at Gray then to Wendy to see her run to him and hug him.

"H-How did you find me?" He said still shocked and confused "Well, we found this cave and decided to camp here tonight until we heard voices so we hid to only know that it was just you and Happy" Wendy answered as she let go off Natsu and backs away.

"Well, I was out searching for food and for you guys—" He said scanning the room hoping they had a certain blonde with them.

"Where's Lucy?" He said with an upsetting grin knowing she wasn't here "We...haven't found her yet" Wendy began as she looked down at the ground. Natsu began to worry as he walks outside "What's up with him?" Gray said as Happy stood there worried "Natsu been searching for Lucy for so long hoping he would find her, he's been so worried and kept saying how he should of followed her" Happy said upset knowing how much he cares about Lucy.

Happy cares for Lucy so much as well but he just wanted Natsu to have a little faith in her, Lucy is stronger than she looks.

"So he's been really worried about her" Wendy said concerned "Yep" Happy said nodding his head "He must really love her" Erza said with a weak smile.

"Yeah he kept having dreams about her and how much he cared for her, we always talked about the memories we had with her" Happy said as he sat down while Wendy sat next to him.

Natsu came back into the cave and sat down with baggy eyes which probably means he's been crying. "Natsu I promise we will find her" Erza said as she sat next to him.

"The rain stopped" He said as everyone glared at him "What?" He said confused as everyone stood up. "Well, now that the rains cleared up we can continue our search for Lucy" Wendy said with a massive smile as she looks at Natsu who's frown turned to a smile as he stands up happily.

"Let's go find Luce" he shouted as he ran outside the cave while everyone followed behind him slowly with a look of happiness.

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