The Big Battle

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It was the middle of the day and Lucy started re-bandaging her wounds cause they bled out last night while she was sleeping. Anna was humming as she did her hair than moved to Lucy to do hers.

"Hey Auntie?" She said very quietly "Yes dear" She replied back "Do you think my friends are ok?" She said as she holds back her tears "I don't know but your friends are strong especially Natsu and Wendy" she said finishing Lucy's hair.

As she said that Natsu popped up into Lucy's head and he's all that she can think about at that moment. "How about we go search for them" She said standing in front of Lucy with her hand out.

Lucy looked into her eyes as she pulled a weak smiled and grabbed her hand "Yeah, let's go" she said as they start to head north which was the direction of her friends.

3 hours later...

Lucy and Anna were tired and sore so they decided to sit down for awhile, Anna opened her mouth but was welcomed but an explosion behind her. Lucy looked up to see Cobra with an army behind him.

"Do you really think that bubble would stop me from finding you?" He said with an angry tone. Lucy stood in front of Anna to protect her as Cobra through an explosion at her.

With Natsu and the rest of them...

Natsu was the leader as they walked towards a big hill but as they continued to walk they heard a big explosion coming from behind the hill.

"Did you see that?!" Gray yelled as he stripped "It was massive" Wendy said trying not to look at Gray. Natsu sniffed the air but ended up shocked.

"Natsu what's wrong?" Erza said concerned "I know this scent" he said as he continued to sniff the air. He followed the scent up the hill until he saw Cobra with an army "Its Cobra!" He yelled as he turned to them.

"Wait, but didn't he follow Lucy?" Wendy said as she ran to Natsu who's face was worried, he turned back to the fight and turned his head to the left to see Lucy fighting but she had bruises and cuts and her bandages started to bleed again.

"I-It's...Lucy!" He said shocked and relieved that she wasn't dead he looked at her again but noticed a person behind her who looked familiar.

Lucy put her guard down as she saw Natsu on top of the hill as tears filled her eyes "Nat-" she began but got hit by an explosion.

"LUCY?!" Natsu yelled as he ran to he as she fell to the floor.

"Lucy, please be ok" he said as he sat down and pulled her close to him.

"N-Natsu" she said as she raised her hand to his face "I'm so glad your ok, I was starting get worried" He said as tears fell from his eyes. "I was also starting to get worried as well" she said in a low tone as Natsu wiped her tears.

"I just need rest but I'll be ok" She said as Natsu places his forehead on hers in relief "We'll take it from here Luce" He said as he kissed her forehead and laid her gently on the grass.

"You'll pay for hurting my Luce!" He said angrily as rage filled his body "Oh will I?" He said with sarcasm charging straight for him.

The army charged straight for Lucy and Anna but was stopped by Gray and Erza. Wendy went to go heal Lucy as Anna stood up and joined Erza and Gray.

"Who are you?" Gray questioned her "I'm Anna Heartfilia, Lucy's Aunt, and the dragon slayers teacher" She said with determination as she ran to fight the army. Erza looked at back at Wendy who had Lucy all under control.

"I've got her you fight" She yelled as Gray and Erza charged behind Anna then the big battle begins.

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