Chapter 3

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After I ran out, I heard Pansy, Blaise, and Draco follow me, but that made me run faster. They were probably gonna say they don't want to be near me.

I ran into the forbidden Forest and stopped. I didn't know where I was, and I started freaking out.

I heard something walking near me, and I turned around to see a warewolf. It was huge, and it was growling.

I yelled out, but I knew no one would hear me. The wolf reared up on its back legs, and was about to come forward to bite me. I closed my eyes, waiting for inpack, but it never happened.

I heard the tear of flesh but I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes to see a mop of blond hair on the ground.

"Dray!!!" I yelled, tuning him into his back. His face was crunched in pain, and he was clutching his arm.

I tore the bottom of my robe, and tied it above the wound, to stoped the bleeding. I picked him up, and started to find my way out the woods.

"Potter! Draco! Where are you?!" I hear Blaise yell, and I followed his voice, finally running out the woods.

"Blaise! There they are!" Pansy yelled, and they both ran my way, but all I was worried about was if Draco would live or not.

I heard them both gasp as they caught up with me. "What Happened?!" Pansy asked, close to tears.

"I'll explain when we get Draco to Madam Ponfreys!" I said, tuning faster, hearing Draco groan in pain.

Blaise opened the door to the recovery room, and I laid Draco down while Pansy went to get Madam Pomfrey.

I sat next to him, crying as Pomfrey worked on his arm. "What happened Potter?" "I-its all m-my fault... I-if I hadn't run he w-would be ok..."

Blaise put his hand on my shoulder. "It's not your fault. It's those stupid Gryffindors. They made you run out in the first place."

I sniffed and just watched Pomfrey do her thing. "Good news. He will live. Bad news... He's gonna be part werewolf." Pomfrey walked away to let us ponder on that.

I smiled sadly, and climbed into the bed, snuggling with Draco. "Dray..."



My arm woke me up, the pain being unbearable. I screamed in pain, and Harry woke up with a jolt. "D-dray?! W-what's wrong?"

I pointed at my arm, and Harry went to get a pain reliever potion from Pomfey.

He came back with it, but he was sobbing. He handed it to me, and sat down on the chair while I drank the potion.

He kept sniffing and crying. "Come here Harry." I patted the space next to me, and he immediately climbed in, snuggling closer to me, and sobbing into my chest.

"Shhh Harry it's ok. Its not your fault.". "B-but it is Dray! You got bit because of me!"

"I got bit because I wanted to protect you. So dont say anything bad about yourself. Ok?"

"O-ok..." He mumbled into my chest, sniffing every so often.

I just rubbed his back with my non injured arm, while the other was on top of his hand.

He eventually fell asleep, and I smiled down at him before the doors opened revealing....

Getting there




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