Chapter 6

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Draco's POV

After Harry fell asleep, the other gryffindors did as well. But they were leaning against my two blushing friends.

Ron leaning on Blaise, and Hermione on Pansy. I smirked at the two and they glared at me.

"Hey. You two like the gryffindors. It's cool. I like one too." I smiled. But the smile slipped when I felt Harry shake.

"H-Harry?" I asked, looking down at him. He just got up and ran out. I was gonna get up before Blaise pushed me back down, shaking his head.

"I'll get him," Blaise said, gave me a smile, and ran after him, leaving my worried

Blaise's POV (Finally)

I looked everywhere for Harry. And I still couldn't find him. I was past worried at this point.

I was leaning against the wall, trying to catch my breath from running around the castle all day.

" You ok Bl- Zabini?" I heard someone ask. I turned around to see Ron. I gave a small smile.

"Yeah. Just a little winded. I'll be fine."

"Ok... Malfoy is worried sick..." He looked down. I sighed. "I know. I can't find Harry anywhere. I checked every place. Including the Gryffindor house."

"How about the Room of Requirement?" I was confused, so Ron took my arm and started running to a place.

We got to a door, and Ron opened it. It was a living room with a fireplace in front of the couch. We heard sniffing and sobbing coming from the bundle of blankets on the couch.

Ron went over while I stood back.

Ron's POV (All these new povs)

I walked over to the bundle, knowing it's Harry, and sat down in front of him.

"Harry? What's wrong mate?" I asked, and he stiffened, before looking up at me for a brief moment before turning around, hiding his face in the couch.

"Go away Ron," he mumbled. I stayed right where I was. "Harry, Malfoy's worried. He misses you,"

"He hurt me..." Harry mumbled. I was confused. " How Harry? He was talking to Zabini and Parkinson."

Harry sniffed and started sobbing. " H-he called me a-a f-fag... And u-used Sectumsempra on me... Cause I used it on him in seventh year...."

"Harry. He wouldn't do that to you. You know that. Now come on. You don't want him to get sick with worry."

After I said that, Harry jumped up and ran out of the room. I smiled and walked up to Blaise.

" Let's go."

Harry's POV

I ran all the way to the hospital wing, and paused to breathe before running in and jumping on the bed, hugging Draco tight and sobbing into his chest.

"Shhh Harry. What's wrong?" Draco asked, running his fingers through my hair, calming me down a bit.

After I explained my dream to him, he hugged me closer. " Harry, I would never call or do that to you. It was all just a nightmare."

I sniffed and just continued to hug him, needing the comfort.

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