Chapter 9

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She kissed me.

I pushed her off. "I'm sorry Ginny, I don't like you back. I hope we still be friends." I rubbing the back of my neck.

"O-oh! Oh, thats ok, and sure!" Ginny faked a smile. "I-I have to go..." And she she ran out the door.

I sighed, and walked back to the Slytherin common room, looking down the whole way there.

"Pureblood," I mumbled and walked in, seeing Ron and Blaise snogging on the couch. I smirked.

"Oi! Get a room!" I yelled and they jumped, looking over at me. I chuckled as Ron glared.

"Way to go Harry! Your a bloody cockblock mate!" Ron yelled at me, then relized what he said and blushed red, hiding his face in his hands.

" I try." I laughed and doged a pillow, running upstairs, and to Draco's.

I opened the door to see him reading a potions book. I jumped on the bed, squishing him, and causing a groan to come from him.

"Harry. Can you get off? Your squishing me," He mumbled, putting a hand on my hair. "Nu." I hugged myself closer to him.

He chuckled. "Then at least get up a little so i can move my book." I shot up and he removed it, before bringing me back on top of him.

I snuggled closer to him. He ran his hand through my hair, and snuggled my head closer to it, loving his actions.

"So? What did the Female Weasley want?" He said, looking down at me.

I pouted and recited the events to him. His eyebrows furrowed in anger, and he moved to pull me up, but I clinged tighter to him.

"Don't hurt her! Please..." I said and he nodded, sighing, and hugging me closer*

"I can't believe that Weasley...." He mumbled. Blaise walked in, Ron behind him.

"Harry Mate, we have to go back to our common room. Ginny's pissed at us..." Ron muttered and I groaned, snuggling closer to him. "I don't wanna leaveeeeeee."

"I don't want you too either Raven. But you better go," he smiled and placed a kiss against my forehead.

I blushed and got up, following Ron back to our common room, that we didn't have to share with the younger Griffindors.


It was late by the time Ron and I got back to the Eighth year common room. There was a few students out by the fire, including Pansy and Hermione.

I yawned and walked up to our room as Ron went to join the small group. I opened the door to my shared room where I saw the most adorable sight.

Draco was sleeping, and cuddling a pillow, wearing my hoodie, which was a little big on him, concidering I have a much bigger build than him.

I moved the pillow and climbed in where the pillow originally was, feeling his hug me tight.

I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight Dragon." I smiled and fell asleep.

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