(5) Bells of school

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I wake up and hear the sharp ringing of bells. I listen to the bells while laying in bed. I see the other girls start to get up, putting on their uniform or waking up someone. I get out of bed, the room is very bright thanks to the windows. I'm up on my tip-toes and see if Willie is awake, looks like shes deep in sleep. I yawn and stretch my arms, putting on my uniform. I see Rose start to walk toward me, she climbs up on her sister's bed and shakes her. "WAKE UP WILLIE, STOP BEING LAZY!" Willie groans, putting an pillow over her head. I laugh a little bit. "Five more minutes," Willie mumbles. Rose gets off of Willie's bed, she pulls her blanket off, Willie slowly sits up in her bed. Rose says. "Then I guess I will just have to eat all of your pancakes," Rose starts to run. Willie jumps out of bed and chases after her sister.

I run after Willie and Rose to the cafeteria, trying not to lose them with how fast they are running. I walk into the cafeteria and look around; I see even more paintings, what is it with paintings in Brearley, three long tables in the middle, and there is a counter area where it looks like you can get food. I join Willie and Rose in the long line.

"So Alice, this is the worlds second best cafeteria," Willie says as we move forward in line. "Trust me, the food is amazing here." 

"Mr. Cooper makes the best pancakes," Rose adds. We move a little more in line, "why is i-it the second best in the world?"

"Because nothing can be the best Alice." Willie replies as we get our breakfast: a nice stack of pancakes with molasses dripping down its sides. We sit in the middle of the first long table. I do have to say that these pancakes are very good, they are nice, fluffy, and the molasses makes them sweet. But having a home cook meal is always better than any other meal like this. I wonder about back home, if the school cares at all that i'm gone or it they are happy without me. If mother is lonely, sewing at the window by herself. "Alice?" Willie asks, I look up at her. "Alice did you hear what I said?" I shake my head. "Sorry Willie, I was just so d-deep in thought," Willie smiles. "Well I was just talking about how you can just follow me to class, Mrs. Pearl told me yesterday that we're in the same class together, won't that be fun? We're in classroom five." I nod my head, the rest of breakfast goes great. Well, maybe not for Rose getting molasses on her night robe, we walk back to the dorm room and finish getting ready. I grab my slate and chalk, and walk to class with Willie. Brearley so far isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

We get to the classroom: the classroom has lots of round windows like in the dorm room, the desks are in four nice lines, and of course more paintings. I see girls everywhere around me talk and laugh, an woman with brown hair, and a scar around her eye greats me. "Hello dear you must be Alice, i'm your teacher Mrs. Morris, you can sit right by Willie." I walk over to my desk and sit down, Willie and I talk a little bit, like about where we are from. Willie tells me she's from Pennsylvania. She was surprised to find out I was from Ohio, she thought everyone from Ohio were just farmers. We both laugh about that, we start to hear Mrs. Morris ring a little bell by her desk, class has now begin.

Class with Mrs. Morris is fine, she can be a little grumpy sometimes, like if someone can't spell  perfectly, or if you fidget even just the tiniest bit. But I think she means well. After the last person finished spelling pronunciation. Mrs. Morris dismisses us for dinner. We walk to the cafeteria and get dinner, we get a bowl of sweet pea soup with a bread roll. Willie and I chat, she has lots of stories about her family. Like, one of the stories was about how Rose got scared by their grandmother's cat, Rose didn't really like to hear that story. We start to hear bells ring, looks like it's time for class again. Willie and I walk side by side, joking and laughing with each other.

We sit at our desks, clearing off our slates. Mrs. Morris finishes writing on the chalk broad and faces the class. "Hello again class, please take out your history books and turn to page five and start reading." After getting every page that was not five I randomly get it and start to read. It looks like we're learning about the American Revolution. I start to smell something, smoke. I smell the air again just to make sure i'm not going crazy. I can still smell it. I ignore it and continue reading, the smell getting stronger and stronger. I start to hear screams from a classroom far away. I hear the cry of little girls and someone yelling, "FIRE!"

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